Intend To Keep Working After Age 65? Don't Forget to Prepare for Aging. It Happens

More people are planning on working to at least 65 and beyond. There can be positive health effects by doing so. However, don't lose focus on preparing for long-term care and an inevitable retirement.

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Intend To Keep Working After Age 65? Don't Forget to Prepare for Aging. It Happens
3 Min Read July 12th, 2015 Updated:January 7th, 2021

Maybe retirement is not in your plan. Data from the Census Bureau and Bureau of Labor Statistics that people are working well into their 60s and beyond. However, often it is because of choice, not because they need the financial resources.

Research has linked an active lifestyle - and work - to better overall mental and physical health and longevity. The journal Preventing Chronic Disease says people who worked past age 65 were about three times more likely to report being in good health and about half as likely to have serious health problems, such as cancer or heart disease.

Plus, additional research has linked working past retirement age with a reduced risk of heart attack and dementia. Not everyone has hobbies to keep them active. Plus, some people enjoy the challenges and social interaction of their jobs. 

Ignoring Retirement and Future Long-Term Care?

If you are a person who enjoys your career or is looking to find a second career, you might not be focusing on retirement planning and long-term health care.

Perhaps you think you have many more years ahead to think about the future and how the financial costs and burdens of aging could impact you, your family, savings, and lifestyle. 

There is no question your health today is different than when you were age 25. Your body has changed, and at some point, your mind will start declining. Greater longevity increases the risk of you needing long-term care services. The cost of care is very expensive and adversely impacts income, assets, lifestyle, and legacy. 

LTC Insurance Helps You Avoid Dependency

This is why so many American families are researching affordable Long-Term Care Insurance. You might have saved some money, but since the cost of care is high and can happen at any age, an advance plan will reduce the financial risk and the stress and anxiety otherwise placed on your family.  

 Plus, more American families see first-hand the impact long-term care has on loved ones. Have you prepared your family and finances for long-term care costs? The LTC NEWS Resource Center provides you with many tools and research options. 

 Will you be one of the third of Americans who expect to work at least until age 65? Maybe you are one of the growing numbers that either plan on working until your 70s or beyond?

Preparing for the Next Phase of Life

Indeed, some people have not saved enough money for retirement, much less anything else. The government's Medicaid system can pay for their future long-term care if they have little or no assets. However, if you have retirement savings and other assets, you need to protect them from the costs and burdens of aging.

Your adult children will not be in a position to be your future caregiver. They have their careers and families to think about. The role of the caregiver is physically and emotionally demanding. 

Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance will provide you with guaranteed tax-free benefits, so you will have a choice on how you receive your care, either in-home or in a facility. Your family will have the time to be family. You will maintain control and independence. Your legacy will live on.

Plan Long-Term Care When You are Younger

Experts suggest planning when you are younger, ideally in your 40s or 50s when you still enjoy good health. Be sure to seek the assistance of a qualified Long-Term Care Insurance specialist. The special can match you with the best options from among all the major companies.

Premiums and underwriting differ dramatically between insurance companies, so it is easy to make a mistake unless you speak with a specialist. A specialist is essential in helping you find the most appropriate and affordable coverage. 

Find a trusted and qualified specialist by clicking here.

Retiring early or working on forever, don't forget to make the process of getting older easier on those you love.


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About the Author

An LTC News author focusing on long-term care and aging.

LTC News Contributor James Kelly

James Kelly

Contributor since August 21st, 2017

Editor's Note

If you are still working, you might think you are covered for long-term health care. Don't confuse the disability insurance that you get from your employer with long-term care. Most employers do not offer Long-Term care Insurance. For the few that do, the policies are often expensive or have few benefits. 

LTC Insurance Essential to Protecting Retirement Accounts

Many people make affordable Long-Term Care Insurance part of their retirement plan. Your health can change at any time. People require extended long-term health care due to illness, accidents, or the impact of aging. 

According to planning experts, having a Long-Term Care Insurance plan in place, usually between 40 and 60 years of age, makes sense not only from a planning point of view but also from affordability.

Premiums are based on your AGE and HEALTH at the time of application. Premiums are intended to remain level. The younger you are, the better off you will be. Plus, you may need to use the policy sooner than you think.

Partnership Policies Provide Dollar-for-Dollar Asset Protection

Many states offer partnership plans that provide dollar-for-dollar asset protection with the federal Long-Term Care Partnership Program. Find the states that participate in the partnership program by clicking here

Start your research by going to the LTC NEWS Cost of Care Calculator. Find your state and see the current and future cost of long-term health care. Plus, you will see additional information, including state-specific tax incentives and more. 

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  • Aging
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Reach an educated audience. Readers of LTC NEWS are researching retirement issues, including aging, health, caregiving, and long-term care. Other readers seek information for a parent or other loved one who is experiencing declining health or aging issues and require extended care.   

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