LTC News - Your Source For Quality Long-Term Care Information

A website devoted to unbiased and informative information on long-term care, caregiving, long-term care insurance and related health and lifestyle topics.

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Our Mission

To be an online resource for long-term care information, with the ultimate aim of helping people make better choices about their health, finances, and family.

Founded in 2015, the site is devoted to adults 45+ and their families as they adapt to the changing needs of aging in the 21st century by providing access to tools, resources, and information they can use today to help themselves tomorrow. Our Story Is Your Good Health.

How We Keep You Informed

Topics We Cover

  • Health and Lifestyle News
  • Long-Term Care
  • Retirement Planning
  • Home Care, including resources for both Caregivers and those Seeking Care
  • Independent and Assisted Living Communities for Seniors
  • Long-Term Care Health Insurance Reviews
  • Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Memory Care
  • Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases
  • Recent Healthcare Legislation
  • Much More…


Experts Sources, Expert Information

We partner with industry leading voices to bring you direct access to industry experts on long-term care insurance, aging, retirement, caregiving and other health topics who can assist you in your care journey.

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  • Has substantial experience in Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Strong understanding of underwriting, policy design, and claims experience
  • Represents all or most of all the leading insurance companies

Reach Your Audience - Advertise With LTC News

Looking to reach adults aged 40 and up? We can help you Drive Traffic, Increase Brand Awareness, and Build Relationships!

The LTC NEWS audience is an ideal way to engage with consumers living through a long-term health care family crisis or preparing their family and finances for future long-term health care needs. LTC NEWS also offers sponsored-content opportunities to allow a company, health care provider, insurance or financial professional, and others to engage readers and drive traffic to their website while delivering on their marketing objectives.

Benefits of Sponsored Content on LTC NEWS

  1. Drives website traffic: Sponsored content articles are placed on LTC NEWS's homepage and in other high-traffic areas of the website, ensuring that a large audience sees your message.
  2. Increases brand awareness: Sponsored content articles are written in a way that educates and engages readers, helping to position your brand as a thought leader in your industry.
  3. Connects with target audience: LTC NEWS's audience comprises people interested in long-term care, making it a great way to reach potential customers who are already considering your products or services.
  4. Improves SEO: Sponsored content articles are written in a way that is optimized for search engines, helping to improve your website's ranking in search results.

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Long-Term Care News


(866) 222-8390
521 S. La Grange Rd, Suite 207
La Grange, IL 60525

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  • Has substantial experience in Long-Term Care Insurance
  • A strong understanding of underwriting, policy design, and claims experience
  • Represents all or most of all the leading insurance companies

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