Legendary NFL Head Coach Marty Schottenheimer, Dead at 77. Another Victim of Alzheimer's

Football coach Marty Schottenheimer joins a growing list of people who have died after living with dementia. We experience changes in our health, bodies, and minds as we get older. Preparing family and finances is essential to retirement planning.

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Legendary NFL Head Coach Marty Schottenheimer, Dead at 77. Another Victim of Alzheimer's
3 Min Read February 9th, 2021

Known for a brand of football known as "Martyball," former NFL Head Football Coach Marty Schottenheimer died in his home in Charlotte (on February 8, 2021) after suffering from Alzheimer's since 2014. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia. Alzheimer's slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and progresses over time. Since the person cannot reason and remember, they require supervision and other long-term health care services to protect them from themselves. 

Schottenheimer was a very successful coach noted for his emphasis on the running game and strong defenses. He was the eighth-winningest head coach in NFL history with a career record of 200-126-1 in 21 seasons.

He coached the Cleveland Browns, Kansas City Chiefs, Washington, and San Diego Chargers.

Schottenheimer coached the Chiefs for ten seasons.

"Our family and the entire Chiefs Kingdom mourn the loss of Marty Schottenheimer, and our prayers and heartfelt condolences are with his wonderful wife Pat and the entire Schottenheimer family today," Chiefs chairman and CEO Clark Hunt said in a statement.

Social media was quick to react.

A tweet from Tony Dungy expressing their condolences.


A tweet from Bruce Arians expressing their condolences.

Family Proud of His Life

"We know he is looking down on us from heaven and smiling," Schottenheimer's daughter, Kristen, said in a statement. 

"We are so incredibly proud of the man he was and how he lived his life.

"Now more than ever, he would want us to do what he did best: put one foot in front of the other and keep grinding forward, to take care of each other and take care of business, to simply be good to people and love with every single fiber of your being to truly make the world a better place. To honor his legacy, we ask you all to do the same. Smile to someone you don't know today, and Marty Schottenheimer will surely smile down on you."

With wife Pat, in an ESPN interview in 2017, said her husband thought he was just getting older. She explained that he would start forgetting names, people, and even where he was. 

Marty Schottenheimer's wife Pat.

"Alzheimer's is a big word," Marty Schottenheimer said in the interview. At the time, his wife said they made every effort to make life as easy for him as best they can.

One in Three Seniors Die with Alzheimer’s

Schottenheimer's joins an ever-growing list of people who had to deal with dementia. It is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and has no cure, according to the Alzheimer's Association. It is the only leading cause of death without any way to prevent it, cure it, or even slow its progression.

Since those with dementia require supervision and help with daily activities, families face significant challenges. The spouse (depending on their age and health) or the adult children find themselves in the role of caregiver, or they must manage paid care services, which are very expensive

Health insurance, including Medicare and supplements, will not pay for this type of care. Only affordable Long-Term Care Insurance policies will pay the type of care many of us will require due to illness, accident, or the impact of aging. 

However, Long-Term Care Insurance is medically underwritten. That means they will review your health history to determine if they will offer you coverage. Experts suggest obtaining coverage in your 40s or 50s when you still have relatively good health.

Seek help from a qualified and experienced Long-Term Care Insurance specialist who works with the major insurance companies. The specialist will navigate the obtains and provide you with accurate quotes and recommendations based on several factors. 

Find a trusted and experienced specialist by clicking here.

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About the Author

An LTC News author focusing on long-term care and aging.

LTC News Contributor James Kelly

James Kelly

Contributor since August 21st, 2017

Editor's Note

There are several obstacles you face when planning for a successful future retirement. You do not want to lose your independence. Avoiding dependency is critical for most people. 

The fact is long-term health care is a significant cash flow issue. LTC Insurance addresses this problem. But long-term care is also a family issue. Without any plan in place, the family will go into crisis mode. The result can be a disaster for you and your family, and your wishes may take a back seat.

LTC Insurance Keeps You in Control

An LTC policy keeps you in control and helps avoid becoming dependent on your children decades from now. You will have access to guaranteed tax-free benefits that will pay for your choice of quality care, either in-home or in a facility. 

You can safeguard your 401K, IRA, and other assets and maintain your lifestyle once you retire. However, Long-Term Care Insurance is medically underwritten, so you must have reasonably good health to obtain coverage. Plus, premiums are calculated on your age, health, family history, and other factors.

Most people want to avoid the lifestyle changes that happen when you have high health-related costs. Most of these costs are long-term care services. 

Plus, most people want to avoid placing the future responsibility of caregiving or managing future paid care services on their adult children. The role of the family caregiver is physically and emotionally demanding. 

Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance will give help you avoid dependence on your family in addition to protecting your income and assets. You will have access to your choice of quality care, including in-home care, which most people prefer. 

Research Tools on LTC NEWS

LTC NEWS offers many resources to learn about the available options and learn about long-term health care issues. Click here and discover these resources. 

This comprehensive guide is an outstanding first-read -  The Ultimate Long-Term Care Guide. Be sure to take notes so you can ask the appropriate questions when you speak with a qualified and trusted Long-Term Care Insurance specialist.

This conversation is one you should have with a specialist as most financial advisors or insurance agents lack the knowledge required in underwriting, policy design, tax implications, and claims. Find a specialist who works with the major companies by clicking here.

Discussion Points with a Specialist

When you speak with a specialist, be sure they discuss with you the following:

  • Partnership – Most states offer special policies that provide dollar-for-dollar asset protection. The Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program might be one of the best-kept secrets in retirement planning. Make sure the specialist explains this program and how it might help you.
  • Tax incentives – There are federal tax incentives available for some people. If you own your own business, be sure to ask.
  • Health Savings Accounts – If you have an HSA, you can use the pre-tax money in your account to pay for the premium.
  • Asset-Based or Hybrid policies – These are life insurance or annuities with a rider for long-term care. Careful, only a handful are actually a long-term care benefit. However, one of these policies can provide you with the flexibility of both a long-term care benefit or a death benefit. They are expensive but can be paid with a single premium.
  • Health and Family History - Make sure the specialist asks you detailed questions about your health, family history, and retirement plans. Underwriting criteria vary with each insurance company. If they are not asking you detailed questions, then find another specialist. 

LTC NEWS Cost of Care Calculator

Take a moment and find the current and future costs of long-term care where you live. This information helps you see the financial impact of long-term care on your savings and helps you decide the amount of coverage appropriate for you in your situation. 

Find your location and use the LTC NEWS cost of care calculator by clicking here.

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Readers of LTC NEWS are researching retirement issues, including aging, health, caregiving, and long-term care. Other readers seek information for a parent or other loved one who is experiencing declining health or aging issues and require extended care.  

There are many marketing opportunities available, including sponsored content articles. Sponsored content offers you a long-form way to sell yourself, your company, and your ideas.

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