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Acute Care

Quick Answer

Acute care involves urgent medical services, often expected to be short-term or rehabilitative.

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Detailed Answer

Acute care involves skilled or medical services expected to be short and rehabilitative in nature. It focuses on helping with immediate recovery from injuries, accidents, illnesses, or other serious health conditions. 

Some key aspects of acute care include:

  • Urgency. Acute care is often a result of abrupt or urgent medical needs. This often includes heart attacks, car accidents, strokes, and other abrupt serious medical conditions or needs. 

  • Short-term. Acute care is short-term in nature. It usually involves a very intense treatment to stabilize an individual's health. 

  • Specialized care. Most of the time, hospitals, ERs, or other specialized units offer acute care. This care focuses on skilled services or potentially complex medical needs. It's uncommon to get acute care at non-specialized or non-emergency facilities.

  • Recovery-focused. The goal of acute care is to help the individual recover. Once the initial intensive care ends, individuals usually transfer to different facilities to receive less intensive care. 

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