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Case Management/Care Management/Care Coordinator

Quick Answer

Case management is a structured approach to long-term care planning. Individuals will work with a professional to coordinate different care services and providers into an efficient plan.

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Detailed Answer

Case management is a structured way to plan long-term care. Long-Term Care Insurance often provides or covers case management services.  

In this process, experienced professionals help you and your family create a personalized care plan based on your specific needs and preferences. 

A case manager, usually a licensed nurse or social worker, leads this process. You, your family, doctor, or insurance company can choose the case manager.  

The case manager will work closely with you to determine and evaluate your care needs and preferences. Together, you'll strategize the best way to coordinate different care services and providers. The plan is open to re-evaluation regularly as well. 

It's important to note that you don't have to strictly follow the plan, especially as your needs or preferences change. Case management plans act as more of a guide rather than a rulebook.  

Case management aims to ensure you receive the best long-term care services to maintain and improve your quality of life and well-being.   

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