Mom or Dad's Cluttered Home - How to Keep Elderly Parent's Safe

Your older parents probably have clutter - including throw rugs. These things cause falls. Falls are a leading cause of death and long-term health care. Declutter their home and start thinking about your future aging.

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Mom or Dad's Cluttered Home - How to Keep Elderly Parent's Safe
5 Min Read March 28th, 2021 Updated:September 5th, 2023

Your parents may be no different than many other older adults who find themselves surrounded by an ever-growing collection of memories, mementos, and, to put it candidly, clutter. That's right -- clutter. You know it, and you see it.


It's as if time, like a patient photographer, has filled their living spaces with snapshots of past decades: the ornate vase from a European vacation, stacks of yellowed newspapers chronicling significant world events, and wardrobes that narrate fashion trends from yesteryears. 


However, there's a thin line between treasuring and being buried by the past. The labyrinth of belongings can not only pose safety risks – think tripping hazards and obstructed pathways – but can also be a sign of an underlying resistance to the changing nature of time. 


When every nook and cranny is brimming with stuff, it often masks a deeper emotional narrative, perhaps a reluctance to let go or a shield against loneliness. In these cluttered homes, more than just items accumulate; it's emotions, memories, and sometimes, the weight of unresolved pasts.


How long have your parents lived in their home? Many older people have lived in their current homes for some time. They usually are not interested in leaving their home. Older people are more prone to falls, and the results of a fall are a leading cause of death and long-term care. 


The National Institute on Aging says the fear of falling increases as a person ages, even if they have not experienced a fall. Because of this fear, some older people avoid normal activities, including walking and shopping.


Many of these falls are in their home. The CDC reports that more than one out of four older people falls yearly, but many never tell their doctor. If an older person does fall, it doubles their chance of having another fall.


Often, the first wake-up sign for an adult son or daughter that Mom or Dad may have some significant aging issues is when they learn of an emergency room visit

Those Rugs are Dangerous

A person tripping on a rug.

Texas A&M Health Science Center

Rugs and clutter rank high among the culprits behind home falls, particularly among older adults. Issues like broken or uneven steps coupled with throw rugs and various home clutter present significant tripping hazards, leading to numerous accidents at home.


A study from New England identified throw rugs as the leading indoor cause of fall-related injuries. But it's not just rugs; general clutter is also frequently implicated in falls among the elderly population.


Why the attachment to throw rugs and clutter among some seniors? While it's not a universal trend among older individuals, those who adhere to these habits inadvertently jeopardize their safety.


Reasons for Falls – Other Than Rugs


Apart from clutter and rugs, the CDC points out other contributors to falls at home, including:

  • Difficulties with walking and maintaining balance
  • Weakness in the lower body
  • Foot-related discomfort or ill-fitting shoes
  • Certain medications, including tranquilizers, sedatives, and antidepressants, with some over-the-counter drugs, also affecting balance
  • A deficiency in Vitamin D

It's natural for health changes to emerge as we age, with noticeable shifts often starting in our 40s and becoming more pronounced in our 60s and beyond.


Suffering the Indignities of Aging


The desire for independence remains strong for many, even as they navigate their 70s and 80s. While staying in their homes is a priority, family members often advocate for downsizing, decluttering, or considering independent or assisted living. Yet, there's often resistance.


Author and speaker Carol Bradley Bursack, suggests that this pushback might stem from feelings of being constantly directed or "bossed around" by various parties, from government entities to their own children. Bursack notes that for many older individuals, their living situation represents their "last stand," a final point of autonomy in a world where they might feel increasingly controlled.

Ways to Keep Them Safe

Fall Death Rates in the U.S. increased 30% from 2007 to 2016 for older adults.

According to the CDC, falls are a growing concern, with death rates from such incidents on the rise. Furthermore, the aftermath of a fall can often necessitate long-term care, presenting significant health and financial implications. To ensure safety within the home, several preventive measures can be adopted.

Firstly, it's imperative to declutter spaces and remove potential tripping hazards like throw rugs. Keeping pathways clear is essential. Items that pose a tripping risk, such as pet bowls, phone cords, or loose wires, should be eliminated. Conduct a thorough walkthrough of the home, identifying and addressing anything that could lead to a fall.

Lighting is another crucial element. Adequate illumination should be ensured throughout the house, with night lights proving beneficial for those late-night movements. Additionally, frequently accessed items should be kept within easy reach to prevent older individuals from resorting to stools or other precarious means, which can increase the risk of falls.

Getting Rid of Clutter Isn’t Easy for Older People

Getting people to get rid of their stuff is no easy task, especially for both kids and the elderly. It is even harder as you get older to let go of items you have had for decades.  

Vickie Dellaquila is a professional organizer. She has had years of experience in this area and wrote the book – Don't Toss My Memories In The Trash.

She outlines ten reasons older adults have a problem parting with items they have owned for many years. One of the reasons is the sentimental attachment they have to the item. They are also reluctant to give away anything that was given to them as a gift. This sense of loyalty just adds to the clutter.

There are other reasons, including a fear of change. This fear of change increases as you get older, and the unknown future is something they dwell on. 

The problem of what to get rid of increases as a person moves, either due to downsizing or moving into a long-term care facility. Keeping your older parent safe is goal one. Being proactive by removing clutter and throwing rugs will make them safer as they age.

Your Parents May Be Getting Older – But So are You!

As you think about the changes your older parents are facing, start thinking about your future and the costs and burdens you will face because of aging. There are many challenges your family will deal with unless you plan for them now.


Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance will give you guaranteed tax-free resources so you can afford your choice of quality care, including in-home care. Many policies include care coordination to help your family develop a plan of care, find quality caregivers, and help you have a safe place at home to live so you can avoid a facility.


How Does Long-Term Care Insurance Differ From Other Types Of Insurance?


The best time to obtain coverage is when you are in your 40s or 50s when premiums are low and your health is at its best. Be sure to seek the assistance of a qualified Long-Term Care Insurance specialist. The specialist should work with the major companies and have a very good understanding of policy design, underwriting rules, and claims.

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About the Author

Linda is a former journalist who now enjoys writing about topics she is interested in so she “can keep her mind active and engaged”.

LTC News Contributor Linda Maxwell

Linda Maxwell

Contributor since December 11th, 2017

Editor's Note

A solid retirement plan should include a plan for longevity and the impact that long-term health care will have on you, your family, income, savings, lifestyle, and legacy. Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance gives you access to your choice of quality care either at home or in a facility. These insurance policies significantly alleviate the burden on families, ensuring that loved ones receive the care they need without depleting hard-earned savings. Long-term care costs can be daunting, often reaching into the thousands per month for comprehensive care services. Investing in Long-Term Care Insurance ensures these costs are managed and predictable, providing a safety net for financial stability and future planning.

In addition to the clear financial benefits, Long-Term Care Insurance also plays a crucial role in reducing family stress. When a family member requires long-term care, it often falls on relatives to provide this care. This responsibility can take a significant emotional and physical toll, leading to caregiver burnout. An LTC Insurance policy can ease this stress, offering the flexibility for professional care providers to step in, giving family members the peace of mind that their loved one is in capable hands.

Moreover, Long-Term Care Insurance allows for a choice in the type and location of care, whether in a nursing home, an assisted living facility, or even in the comfort of one's own home. This flexibility ensures that as you age, you can retain your dignity, independence, and a level of control over your care decisions.

Ultimately, Long-Term Care Insurance is not just an investment in financial security but also in the quality of life. It ensures that as you age, you do so with the utmost care and dignity without straining your family's resources or emotional well-being. It is, indeed, an essential part of comprehensive retirement planning, safeguarding both the financial and emotional health of individuals and their families. 

Tools and Resources for Comprehensive Planning 

At LTC NEWS, we offer an extensive array of resources and tools tailored to aid you in crafting a well-rounded retirement strategy. The plan should encompass the anticipated costs and challenges associated with aging. The necessity for long-term health care poses a major issue, one that can significantly affect your financial stability and your family's well-being. 

Including Long-Term Care Insurance in your retirement blueprint is a crucial measure in fortifying your future. Here are some of the resources that will help in your research:  

Be sure to seek help from an independent Long-term Care Insurance specialist to provide you with accurate LTC Insurance quotes from all the top companies. 

·        Work With a Qualified Independent LTC Insurance Specialist

Ensuring Quality Care for Aging Parents 

As signs of health decline become apparent in your parents, they deserve nothing less than exceptional care. If they've had the foresight to establish a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, you're in a fortunate position. 

Make it a priority to leverage the benefits of the policy without delay. LTC NEWS, in collaboration with Amada Senior Care — a top-rated in-home care agency with branches nationwide — stands ready to assist you in processing a claim from any LTC Insurance policy at no cost or obligation.

·        Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim

If they don't have an LTC policy, Amada can still help develop a plan of care and provide you with many affordable in-home care options. Learn more now - Find Quality In-Home Care.

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