How to Guard Your Own Mental Health While Caring for Others

It's tough to take good care of yourself when you're a primary caregiver for someone else. Keep reading for tried-and-true tips for prioritizing your own well-being so that you can give your best to others.

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How to Guard Your Own Mental Health While Caring for Others
4 Min Read June 7th, 2023

Being the primary caregiver for someone else isn't for the faint of heart. It takes tremendous patience, emotional reserves, and resilience. The physical and emotional demands of someone requiring full-time care can be relentless. And many days, caregiving is just plain hard. When you're responsible for someone else's care, it's easy to lose sight of your own needs and let your own well-being slide. But to be your best self and offer the best care to someone else, you need to make sure you're taking care of yourself. We'll show you how.

The Importance of Self-Care for Caregivers

While it may seem self-centered or even selfish to prioritize your own care while assuming the responsibility for a loved one, it simply isn't. Taking care of yourself is essential for ensuring you have the physical and mental energy to provide the best care possible. The emotional and physical toll associated with caregiving is intense – as a caregiver, you may need strategies to process grief, anger, or denial, all while trying to function and thrive in the life you've built.

Five Ways to Guard Your Own Mental Health While Caring for Others

Now, look at some simple habits you can cultivate to help care for yourself, even while caring for a loved one.

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

You might think of eating a healthy diet as related only to your physical health, but good nutrition has tremendous benefits for your mental health as well. Not only will your body be stronger if you take the time to eat well, but your mind will also have the fuel it needs to regulate complicated emotions successfully. So don't skip meals, and make sure you're fueling your body with nutritious foods. 

2. Exercise

Exercise offers a wide range of mental health benefits. First and foremost, participating in some form of exercise offers you a break from caregiving duties, which can be essential to managing your overall well-being. In addition, exercise increases many of your feel-good hormones, which can help you destress and simply feel better, especially if you're starting to get overwhelmed.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Never underestimate the power of sleep when it comes to taking care of your mental health. Not only does sufficient sleep make you feel better, but it also helps you better manage your emotions and respond more positively to stressors in your life. The more sleep you get and the higher the quality of your sleep, the better able you will be to provide an empathetic level of care to your loved one. In contrast, sleep deprivation can result in an increase in negative thought patterns and decrease your overall sense of well-being. Try building some good sleep hygiene habits, like meditation or yoga, and make sure your room is dark and cold enough for you to get the highest quality sleep. 

4. Engage in Talk Therapy

Talk therapy, including online therapy, is a powerful tool for protecting and promoting your mental health. Talking with a licensed counselor can help you process big feelings around the struggles of caregiving, and also may help offer an outside perspective that can aid in problem-solving. 

For those providing care for an aging parent, the National Institute on Aging has recommended that caregivers find someone to vent their feelings in a safe, judgment-free environment. The Institute also reports that caregivers who participate in some type of counseling are better able to avoid burnout, navigate difficult care decisions, and balance their own needs with those of their loved ones.

5. Take Time for Things You Enjoy

Even the best caregiver needs a break. It's imperative that you protect some time to participate in your own self-care. Whether you need regular walks in the afternoons, coffee or dinner dates with friends, time to go see a movie, or something uniquely your own, you'll find that you have more emotional reserves for your loved one if you regularly participate in activities that are meaningful and enjoyable to you.


It's easy to lose yourself when you take on the responsibility for the care of a loved one. But with some careful planning and an intentional approach, you don't have to sacrifice your own well-being to provide good care for someone else. With some of the tips here, we feel confident you'll successfully protect your mental health as you provide vital care for someone you love.

Presented by BetterHelp.

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Editor's Note

Family caregivers are the unsung heroes of long-term care, often thrust into roles of immense responsibility without formal training or adequate support. However, beyond the obvious physical challenges, these caregivers are frequently confronted with numerous health challenges of their own, particularly concerning their mental well-being.

Serving as a caregiver can exert a significant toll on mental health. Stress is a common issue, resulting from juggling caregiving duties with personal responsibilities and often accompanied by feelings of being overwhelmed.

This chronic stress can lead to serious conditions like depression and anxiety. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, caregivers are significantly more likely to experience symptoms of depression or anxiety than their non-caregiving counterparts.

In addition to the risk of mental health disorders, caregivers often grapple with feelings of guilt and frustration. They may feel guilty for not doing enough or for harboring resentment towards their responsibilities, further exacerbating their mental strain. The continuous cycle of these negative emotions can create a breeding ground for burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and a feeling of reduced personal accomplishment.

Moreover, the social isolation associated with caregiving can also impact mental health. Caregivers often feel cut off from the outside world, as the demands of their role limit their ability to engage in social activities or pursue personal interests. This lack of social interaction can compound feelings of loneliness and depression.

The impact of long-term care on the family is one of many reasons why planning for the costs and burdens of aging is part of a comprehensive retirement plan. Family caregivers face many difficulties, and professional care is expensive.

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If your loved one owns a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, be sure they use the benefits they have in place. Sometimes families wait, thinking they can save the benefits for a rainy day. Waiting to use Long-Term Care Insurance benefits at a later date is not a wise idea. 

If your parent or parents need help now, be sure to get them quality care now. LTC NEWS can help. Start with these comprehensive guides to help you in your process:

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