Home-Based Exercises Beneficial for People Over 50

Exercise and physical activity are vital in maintaining good health, preventing, or delaying health problems that come with age. Some physical activity is better than none. Muscles grow stronger, so you can be more independent as you age.

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Home-Based Exercises Beneficial for People Over 50
4 Min Read October 17th, 2022 Updated:July 5th, 2023

Exercise is good for the mind and the body, as it helps strengthen the bones and muscles and helps clear the mind from every worry. Each day, older folks should engage in some form of exercise. Your health can be improved, and the risk of heart disease and stroke can be decreased. As you get older, your body naturally begins to weaken, you lose strength, and it can be difficult to do the things you did before. 

 We all need to exercise, yet many of us find it challenging to get motivated. But with the evident advantages of bettering your mental and physical welfare, it's crucial to include some form of movement in your life. If you find it excessively tedious, you might not yet have found the best routine for you. Our workout regimens should evolve as we age because our bodies and habits do. 

Benefits of Exercise for Those Over 50

Staying fit is beneficial at any age, but people over 50 need to maintain a healthy lifestyle as they age. There are many benefits to exercising for people over 50; here are some of them.

1. Sharp mind. With proper exercise, the mind remains active and intelligent. 

2. It improves your mental health. Exercise helps you to relieve stress and depression while building your confidence. 

3. Reduces risk of illness and diseases. Regular exercise will strengthen your immune system to fight infections and prevent harmful microbes from taking over your body system. 

4. Help build body muscles. Exercising the body helps lose unwanted fat and build more muscle. As you get older, you need as little fat in your body as possible, and the best way to lose body fat is to keep the body active. 

5. Independence. Being physically fit means being less dependent on other people. If you are over 50, you may need other people to help you with certain tasks, but if you keep your body and mind strong, you can stay independent for longer. 

6. Exercise helps improve balance in older people. Once you are above 40, you start to gradually lose balance, and there is a high chance of getting a fall injury. But with the proper exercise, you can improve your balance and prevent falling.

Because we understand it might be a little challenging to go to the gym every day to exercise, we have come up with five different home-based exercises you can try out in your home.

 You don't need significant types of equipment in the gym to complete these exercises; however, if you decide you want to invest in a gym for your hour, then we advise you to learn more about the treadmill market amongst other types of equipment available.

Home-Based Exercises for People Over 50 


Pilates is a type of exercise that focuses on strengthening the body, particularly the core. It contributes to general fitness improvement and overall well-being. Pilates focuses on posture, balance, and flexibility. These exercises can be done on a mat, with Pilates balls, or with other inflated equipment. It has been demonstrated that older people who practice Pilates have better balance, stronger core muscles, and greater flexibility.

 This exercise includes:

  • Side circles
  • Breathing
  • Leg kicks
  • Step-ups
  • Standing roll up

Chair Yoga

Chair yoga is a low-impact exercise that enhances flexibility, balance, mobility, and strength of the muscles—all of which are essential components of senior health. Chair yoga is a less physically demanding form of yoga than traditional forms. It is also more accessible. Additionally, chair yoga has been shown to improve seniors' mental health. People who practice chair yoga regularly report having better sleep, less depression, and feeling well.

This exercise includes:

  • Seated twist
  • Seated cow stretch
  • Seated mountain pose
  • Overhead stretch 

Resistance band workouts

Almost any exercise you can think of can be done with traditional weights like dumbbells and resistance bands. Elastic rubber strips give resistance to movements while putting less strain on your body. The resistance band workout has become popular among older people because of its simplicity; you do not need expensive types of equipment to do these exercises. These exercises are suitable for your core, balance, and posture.

These exercises include:

  • Triceps press
  • Biceps curl
  • Leg press
  • Lateral raise

Body weight workout

As you get older, you need more muscles and less fat in your body. This is why the bodyweight workout is essential. The affordability of body weight exercises is one of their main advantages. The equipment needed for bodyweight exercises is minimal; workout attire and a mat to cushion impact with the floor are required for most bodyweight exercises.

The equipment needed for bodyweight exercises is minimal; workout attire and a mat to cushion impact with the floor are required for most bodyweight exercises.

The workouts include:

  • Squats
  • Sit-ups
  • Step-ups
  • Side-lying circles
  • Push-ups

Dumbbell strength training. 

You do not need to carry heavy weights to build your muscles, especially after 40. Your body does not require too much muscular strength or abs; you only need the right amount of muscles to keep you fit and strong. Strength training has been demonstrated to help you control your weight while reducing the symptoms of diabetes, osteoporosis, back pain, and depression. Additionally, lifting weights increases metabolism and improves glucose regulation. Dumbbell exercises are among the most acceptable ways for older people to build strength if done safely. Older adults can isolate specific muscular parts to strengthen them with dumbbells, enhancing balance and flexibility.

 These exercises include:

  • Biceps curl
  • Tricep extension
  • Overhead press
  • Bent over row 


Health is wealth; taking good care of your body, mind, and health is vital. Eat healthily, drink plenty of water, and make yourself active by exercising regularly. 

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About the Author

Jeremy is a trained chef and freelance writer who is mad about all things health and fitness. He is constantly experimenting with new ways to live a balanced lifestyle and has a lot of knowledge, tips, recipes, and workout routines that he enjoys sharing with people who want to enhance their overall lifestyle.

LTC News Contributor Jeremy Banks

Jeremy Banks

Contributor since October 17th, 2022

Editor's Note

Will exercise and better health avoid any chance you will need future long-term health care? No, it will: however, provide a better quality of life over a more extended period of time. Greater longevity means your risk of needing care might be delayed.

People need help with daily living activities for many reasons. These reasons include declining health, accidents and mobility problems, dementia, and frailty. The need for care can happen at any age, but the risk increases as you get older. 

How will you handle paying for long-term health care? The cost of care services is rapidly increasing. Your budget probably would be unable to pay $4000 to $10,000 or more every month for your care without a significant dent in your 401(k) or other savings.

Health insurance, including Medicare, will not pay for most long-term care services. You will either pay for care yourself or rely on family and friends to become your caregiver - or both.

Family caregivers are untrained and unprepared for this demanding job. Plus, the very personal nature of long-term health care is something you generally would not want to put on your adult children.

Be proactive with your health and be proactive with your planning. Your retirement plan should include a plan for long-term care. For many people, this would mean affordable Long-Term Care Insurance.

Most people get their coverage when they are in their 50s. However, since several states are considering the LTC Tax, people much younger are obtaining coverage.

Safeguard your 401(k) now from the costs and burdens of aging with an LTC policy. You will have access to your choice of quality care services (including in-home care) and give your loved ones the time to be family instead of caregivers.

You have many choices of coverage from several top insurance companies. Be sure your policy meets federal guidelines. Federal tax incentives are available in some situations, including using pre-tax money from your Health Savings Account.

Because of the complex nature of these products, it is best to seek the help of a qualified Long-Term Care Insurance specialist. These will review your health with the underwriting criteria of each insurance company. Plus, premiums can vary over 100% between insurance companies. Insurance products and their premiums are regulated, so individual agents cannot provide you with "special deals." You can then review the accurate quotes from all the top companies and decide which coverage is right for you.

Tools and Resources Available on LTC NEWS

There are a variety of tools and resources that LTC NEWS offers that can help you in your research:

How About Elderly Parents?

If your older parents or family members are declining and need help now, what can you do to help? You can get help finding quality caregivers or long-term care facilities and get recommendations for a proper care plan, whether or not they have an LTC policy. - Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim | LTC News

If your loved one is lucky enough to own a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, be sure they use it. Sometimes families wait, thinking they can save the benefits for a rainy day. Waiting on using available Long-Term Care Insurance benefits is not a wise idea. 

Is a Reverse Mortgage Helpful?

Today's reverse mortgages for those aged 62 and older could be an ideal resource. You can fund a Long-Term Care Insurance policy OR even provide money to pay for care if you, or a loved one, already needs help and assistance. 

You might be eligible at younger ages as well. 

Some people have much of their savings invested in their homes. With today's reverse mortgages, you can find ways to fund care solutions, care itself, and even help with cash flow during your retirement. 

Learn more by asking questions to an expert. Mike Banner, LTC NEWS columnist and host of the TV Show "62 Who Knew," will answer your questions regarding caregiving, aging, health, retirement planning, long-term care, and reverse mortgages. 

- Just "Ask Mike." - Reverse Mortgages | LTC News.

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