Getting Older – Sleeping Less - Higher Risk of Dementia

Research shows a link to a higher risk of dementia and sleeping problems. Even social media use and binge-watching your favorite TV show can hurt your sleep and health. Don't ignore sleep issues and take proactive steps to improve sleep, health and prepare for aging.

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Getting Older – Sleeping Less - Higher Risk of Dementia
5 Min Read February 2nd, 2017 Updated:March 18th, 2022

If you're up late reading this article, you might have problems sleeping. If it is during the day - are you tired after a long night tossing and turning, unable to get a night of restful sleep?

A recent survey of 9,000 people aged 65+ revealed that 42% reported difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. Good sleep is essential for your health at any age, and sleeping is even more critical as we get past age 50. 

The impact on your health can create many problems, including a higher risk of complications and the need for long-term health care services and supports.

Read this article from the New York Times.

A recent Canadian study suggests that if you wake up often throughout the night instead of having an uninterrupted night's sleep, you have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's when you are older.

People Fail to Understand the Importance of Sleep

Did you realize that sleep was so important? According to the National Institutes of Health, lack of sleep leads to physical and mental health problems, injuries, loss of productivity, and even a greater death risk. 

With current research showing a higher risk of dementia, getting adequate sleep has become even more critical. 

Higher Stress Levels

Today, we face a higher level of stress, and stress is a factor in sleep problems. According to the American Psychological Association's Stress in America 2020 survey, Americans face the highest average stress levels since the survey started in 2007.

COVID-19 and its impact on our jobs and lifestyle can be blamed for this added stress. However, it is not the only thing that causes stress. Social media use has been shown to add additional stress and anxiety. Even watching TV, which you can do on your smartphone today, adds to a lack of sleep and stress.

Binge-Watching TV Shows in Bed?

Binge-watching your favorite TV show might be fun, but if you are doing it in bed, it may hurt your sleep and health. Many of us are 

According to a 2018 poll, binge-watching is common; 60 percent of American adults who watch shows on on-demand TV services binge-watch. You can expect this trend to continue - but at what cost?

Be sure to get your sleep and take care of your health. Sleep issues become a more significant concern as you get older, meaning you need to plan before these changes in health, body, and mind take effect. 

Not to add another thing that could cause you to lose sleep when you think about it but have you planned for the financial costs and burdens of aging? Even if you do everything right with your health, longevity itself is a risk for you needing help with everyday living activities at some point in your life or even needing supervision due to some form of dementia. 

Plan for Longevity Now

Don't lose sleep over long-term care. You can easily plan for these expensive costs and the stress and burden caregiving otherwise places on your family. 

The solution is affordable Long-Term Care Insurance. These policies will give you the guaranteed tax-free resources to pay for your choice of quality care either at home or in a facility like assisted living. You get to maintain choice and control and give your loved ones the time to be family instead of caregivers.

Long-Term Care Insurance pays for all levels and types of care, but you maintain independence and control since you will decide how to receive that care. Plus, you protect your income and assets since you will not have to drain savings to pay for the care.

Be sure to investigate your options, ideally before your retirement. Experts suggest planning in your 40s and 50s when you still enjoy good health and premiums are very affordable. 

Long-Term Health Care Costs are Rising Quickly

An ever-increasing demand for long-term health care services is making the costs go up tremendously. High labor costs will keep the costs high in the decades ahead.

Find the current and future costs of all long-term health care services by using Cost of Care Calculator - Choose Your State | LTC News. This tool will enable you to determine the amount of insurance you might need depending on where you live. 

Long-Term Care Insurance has become a vital part of retirement planning. The Ultimate Long-Term Care Insurance Guide | LTC News is a great place to start your research.  

Experts suggest working with an experienced Long-Term Care Insurance specialist. They should represent a majority of the leading insurance companies in the industry, not one or two. 

Be sure to ask them if they have processed claims, understand plan design, know each company's underwriting criteria, and are certified with the Long-Term Care Partnership Program in your state (most states participate).

Getting a good night's sleep is essential to your overall good health. Knowing you have a solution for the consequences of aging in place will help you sleep well every night.

There are physical, emotional, and financial burdens that will affect you and your family from the impact of long-term care. That in itself will help you and your family sleep better at night.

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About the Author

An LTC News author focusing on long-term care and aging.

LTC News Contributor James Kelly

James Kelly

Contributor since August 21st, 2017

Editor's Note

Don’t lose sleep about your aging. You probably are seeing or saw your parent's health decline as got older. Changes in a person's health, body, and mind become common as you get past age 50 - these changes increase in the decades that come after age 50.

Were your parents prepared? Are you ready for the costs and burdens that come with getting older?

You might be in good health today, but aging happens, and your body will deteriorate. There is a good chance you will need some help with daily activities, maybe even supervision, due to a decline in your memory.

For many people, affordable Long-Term Care Insurance is the solution. You will have access to your choice of quality care options, including in-home care. Many policies will also include extra benefits to pay for ramps, chair lifts, medical alert systems, and more. 

Perhaps just as important, when you own a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, you own a solution that will not only safeguard assets but will give your loved ones the time to be family instead of caregivers. 

The ideal time to obtain coverage is in your 40s or 50s, when you still enjoy fairly good health. 

Planning Tools Available on LTC NEWS

You can compare the major insurance companies that offer Long-Term Care Insurance products here - Top Insurers for Long-Term Care Insurance | LTC News.

The Ultimate Long-Term Care Guide is an outstanding read to help you get a good overview of the topic area. There are also available tax incentives. See if these tax incentives are helpful - Long-Term Care Tax Benefits Guide.

Find all the resources on LTC NEWS - Resources for Long-Term Care Planning | LTC News.

Seek Help from a Specialist

Seek help from a qualified and experienced Long-Term Care Insurance specialist who works with the top companies. A specialist can shop the companies by matching your age, health, family history, and budget to find the best coverage at the lowest cost - Work With a Specialist | LTC News.

Get Help in Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim

Quality care obtained early will help provide a better quality of life and reduce the risk of a deep decline and facility care. If you need help in starting the process of a Long-Term Care Insurance claim, LTC NEWS can help.

LTC NEWS provides free assistance with no obligation to help you or a loved one complete the claims process with a Long-Term Care Insurance policy. We have teamed up with Amada Senior Care, who will do all the work, free with no obligation. 

You can also get support in finding quality caregivers and get recommendations for a proper care plan, whether a person has a policy or not. - Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim | LTC News

Finding Quality Care for Mom or Dad

If a loved one needs care, now help them by reading our guides -  

If they are lucky enough to own a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, be sure they use it. Sometimes families wait, thinking they can save the benefits for a rainy day. Waiting on using available Long-Term Care Insurance benefits is not a wise idea. 

Benefits of Reverse Mortgages

If you - or your loved one is in crisis now, a reverse mortgage could be an answer. Many people today that have much of their savings invested in their home. With today's reverse mortgages, you can use the money in your home to fund a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, add retirement income, or even pay for in-home care if you need care now. 

Learn more now - Reverse Mortgages | LTC News.

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