Cleveland Clinic Survey: More Know Bank Account Balance Compared to BMI

The Cleveland Clinic survey finds 46% of all people know their bank account balance, while just 18% know their BMI. Do you know your BMI? Do you know how it...

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Cleveland Clinic Survey: More Know Bank Account Balance Compared to BMI
3 Min Read February 3rd, 2017 Updated:September 7th, 2020

The Cleveland Clinic survey finds 46% of all people know their bank account balance, while only 18% know their BMI. Dr. Steve Nissen from the Cleveland Clinic says there are things you can do to reduce future health risks.

Do you know your BMI? Do you know how it impacts your health? What happens as you age? 

Body mass index (BMI) is an estimation of a person's body fat. It is generally accepted as a good measure of your risk for health conditions like diseases that can happen with more body fat. 

BMI and Connection to Health

When your BMI is high you have a greater risk of suffering from several conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones, breathing problems, and even certain types of cancers.

Based on your BMI you can determine if you are at the proper weight:

Underweight: Your BMI is less than 18.5

Healthy weight: Your BMI is 18.5 to 24.9

Overweight: Your BMI is 25 to 29.9

Obese: Your BMI is 30 or higher

BMI Calculator

You can use this BMI calculator. Just enter your height and weight.

Your BMI and the associated health issues that come with being overweight lead to a higher risk of long-term health care. You have the obvious joint problems due to being overweight. In addition, you have health problems like diabetes and high blood pressure that increase aging health issues. 

Even with the best of health, our bodies change. Over time, our health changes. Think about the changes in your body and health in the past twenty years. The next twenty-plus years will bring additional change. 

Planning Now for Longevity

Watching your weight and understanding your BMI is a good idea. It doesn't mean you avoid preparing for the financial costs and burdens that come with longevity.

The fact is long-term care is expensive and presents tremendous burdens on those you love. Many people prefer to ignore the risk; however, it leads to a crisis on your family and finances when they do. There is a better solution than crisis management.

Long-Term Care Insurance is an easy and affordable way to have the guaranteed tax-free benefits giving you access to your choice of quality care, even at home. You will be able to protect your savings and income from the very high costs of paid care services. You will also give your family the time to be family and not face the role of being a caregiver.

Research LTC Solutions Before You Retire

Experts say the best time to plan is before you retire, ideally when you are in your 40s or 50s. You can both improve your health and prepare for longevity. 

Start your research with the LTC NEWS Cost of Care Calculator. You will discover both the current and future costs of extended care services. You will also find available state tax incentives and much more.

Navigate the complexities of Long-Term Care Insurance by seeking the assistance of a qualified LTC Insurance specialist. Using a specialist's help is essential since most insurance agents and financial advisors have little or no practical knowledge of these products. Find a trusted and experienced specialist.

Long-Term Care Insurance is custom designed. You get to decide on the amount of benefits you wish to have in place. Plus, 45 states offer Partnership LTC Insurance which shelters part of your estate.

You can pay attention to both your health and finances so you can enjoy a successful future retirement.

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About the Author

An LTC News author focusing on long-term care and aging.

LTC News Contributor James Kelly

James Kelly

Contributor since August 21st, 2017

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