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Benefits of Partnering with LTC NEWS

Many businesses and professional advisors would benefit from our marketing services to gain business and enhance your reputation. Our multi-media approach isideal for these busy people ready to take action.

LTC News readers are purchasing insurance and investments, care providers and facilities, mortgages, real estate, equipment, supplies, and services, and more as they address the many facets of aging and retirement.

Plus, LTC NEWS can help you with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with dofollow links that enhance your online visibility.

Whether you partner with LTC NEWS by contributing content, purchasing traditional advertising, sponsored content articles, or video interviews, LTC NEWS will be a valuable resource to grow your business and reputation.

The LTC News Audience

LTC News focuses exclusively on people preparing for and dealing with the issues of aging, caregiving, health, long-term care and long-term care planning, and retirement planning. LTC News combines critical information, tools, and resources all on one website so families can address and plan for this crucial stage of life.

The LTC News audience is an ideal way to engage with consumers living through a long-term health care family crisis or preparing their family and finances for future long-term health care needs.

America is aging and LTC News offers the essential resources to address the issues of longevity and its impact on family and finances.


  • Adults, Ages 40 - 75
  • Male and Female

Interests/In Market For

  • Aging
  • Caregiving
  • Health & Wellness
  • LTC Planning
  • Insurance
  • Real Estate/Mortgages
  • Investments
  • Travel
  • Housing
  • LTC Facilities
  • Senior Living

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  • Care Facilities

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  • Insurance

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  • Has substantial experience in Long-Term Care Insurance
  • A strong understanding of underwriting, policy design, and claims experience
  • Represents all or most of all the leading insurance companies

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