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Simple Inflation

Quick Answer

Simple inflation is a Long-Term Care Insurance rider that increases benefits by a fixed amount per year based on the original starting amount.

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Detailed Answer

This is a rider on a Long-Term Care policy where the benefit increases by a fixed amount per year based on the original starting amount. For example, with 5% simple inflation, $100 a day would increase each year by $5.00. The equation: 100 x .05 = 5. Each year the benefit in this example would increase by $5.00 a day. Compound inflation would complete the equation by adding the 5% in this example to the new total, not the original total. The difference between a compound and simple inflation rider is not significant in earlier years but becomes greater as time goes on. Federal and state law requires certain types of inflation, based on age, in order for a Long-Term Care policy to be "partnership certified".

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