Surprising Ways to Improve Senior Health - There’s an App for That

Before you know it, you get older. If you have a loved one who is 65+ or you are looking to plan for your future aging, there are several items to consider from insurance to technology.

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Surprising Ways to Improve Senior Health - There’s an App for That
4 Min Read April 25th, 2020

As we age, health becomes an increased focus in our lives. From conditions like diabetes to weakened immunity, seniors face potential age-related diseases, illnesses, injuries, and the risk of COVID-19 infection. You can’t improve your health overnight, but physical and mental benefits can happen over time. With proper diet, planning, and a little help from technology, seniors can maintain optimal health during COVID-19 lockdown and get the most out of their retirement years.

Staying Healthy

Adults over the age of 65 years can subscribe to private insurance plans to help cover the costs of their health care. Falling under Part C, these plans pick up where Medicare leaves off, assisting seniors in covering increasingly high costs of medical care. Depending upon which option a senior selects, benefits might cover prescriptions, dental and vision care, senior health and wellness programs, and even the installation of bathroom grab bars in your home. 

If you or a loved one are enrolled in Medicare or Medicare Advantage, it’s crucial to compare benefits to ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period lasts from October 15th to December 7th. You can make changes to your choices during that time, and for your convenience, you can even examine your options and enroll right from your phone!

Tech for Your Health – A Computer in Your Pocket

Smartphones aren’t usually associated with increased health, but when seniors put the right tech to good use, even a phone can improve long-term wellness. However, your phone needs to be current to run everything properly, and if you’ve used the same phone for a while, it might be time to upgrade to a newer device. You might upgrade to one of the newest models, which often have an ultra-clear display and an extended battery that doesn’t require frequent recharging. 

Before upgrading, make sure the new phone works with your data plan and monthly budget. If your plan has expired, some providers offer money toward a new phone purchase, so you can stretch your dollars as far as possible. 

Apps for Health and Happiness

In addition to allowing you to check into insurance, your phone will enable you to use the numerous apps that raise the quality of life for seniors. For instance, Fox Hill notes there are free and low-cost apps for a wide variety of things, from tracking your walking habits to finding your vehicle in a big parking lot. They can remind you to take medications, help you check your blood pressure, or check in with friends across the country, face-to-face! 

Snoozy Stuff

Sleep is essential for senior health, and if you aren’t getting enough sleep, it can make you feel groggy, grouchy, and can even be damaging to your mind and body. If you aren’t getting sufficient slumber, Eight Sleep suggests looking at tech tools to help with that, too. From smart mattresses to special alarm clocks, you can avoid counting sheep and look forward to feeling bright and alert.

You Are What You Eat

You can protect your wellness and longevity with another core daily habit: eating right. From apps that help with checking nutritional value, to smart scales that help you monitor portion sizes, to even a food “sniffer” that ensures what you pull out of the fridge is still fresh, you can keep your eating on track with gadgets and gizmos that are fun, technologically advanced, and super simple to use. 

It can feel daunting when you first try to take control of your health, but in the era of coronavirus, it’s never been more important. There aren’t miracle cures, but you can feel better with patience and long-term dedication. To take the stress out of managing your health, take advantage of modern technologies like smartphones, health-related apps, and fun gadgets. And of course, reach out to your doctor if you have questions or concerns. With some effort, it’s possible to reclaim your health and improve your mental and physical well-being.

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About the Author

Katybeth Dee was inspired to co-create Self Exam after her sister was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 23. Luckily it was caught in time, and her sister received the proper treatment. Through her site, she strives to offer support to those battling cancer by spreading awareness on preventing the illness as well as lending support to those currently facing their own medical battles.

LTC News Contributor Katybeth Dee

Katybeth Dee

Contributor since April 25th, 2020

Editor's Note

You should start planning for longevity before you get older. Planning for the financial costs and burdens of aging is essential to enjoying a successful future retirement. Ideally, you start planning in your 40s or 50s before you retire.

As you get older, your risk of having an illness or accident that requires you to need extended health care increases. When you hit major age milestones, turning 65, 70, 75, 80, and beyond your risk of needing long-term health care increases. With an ever-increasing age comes a higher risk of cognitive decline as well. So much for your future golden years!

Long-Term Care Insurance is Essential

Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance will be your partner to ensure you have access to your choice of quality care either in your home or in a quality facility. The guaranteed tax-free benefits will safeguard your savings and income and reduce the stress and burden otherwise placed on your family.

Start your research by finding the current and future cost of long-term care services in your area. The LTC NEWS cost of care calculator is an outstanding research tool. Click here for the calculator.

Long-Term Care Insurance is very affordable when you purchase younger when you enjoy good health. Most people purchase plans in their 50s.

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Be sure to seek the help of a qualified and trusted Long-Term Care Insurance specialist. Be sure they have extensive experience and work with multiple companies. Premiums vary between insurance companies over 100% for the same benefit. A specialist is critical in finding the best plan for you at your age, health, and family history.

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