It Takes a Team to Provide Treatment for Cancer Patients

So many people suffer from cancer, and there are many unsung heroes who are instrumental in the lives of those battling cancer. These folks aren't just clocking in and out; they're making a real difference.

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It Takes a Team to Provide Treatment for Cancer Patients
7 Min Read January 30th, 2024

As the population ages, concerns about cancer rise, particularly for those over 50. While facing a cancer diagnosis can be daunting, understanding the latest statistics and treatment options can provide valuable information and empower informed decisions.


  • According to the American Cancer Society, in 2024, an estimated 2.001 million new cancer cases are expected in the U.S., with over 611,720 deaths. While people of all ages can develop cancer, the risk generally increases with age. In fact, approximately 60% of new cancer diagnoses and 70% of cancer deaths occur in individuals over 50.

The most common cancers diagnosed in those over 50 include: 

  • Breast cancer: One in eight women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.
  • Prostate cancer: One in nine men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime.
  • Colorectal cancer: One in 23 adults will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime.
  • Lung cancer: One in 13 adults will develop lung cancer in their lifetime.
  • Melanoma: The most serious form of skin cancer, with over 9,000 deaths yearly in the U.S.

Long-Term Care and Cancer

The need for long-term care after a cancer diagnosis can arise from various aspects of the disease and its treatment. While some cancers require minimal post-treatment intervention, others may leave lasting physical or cognitive impairments. 

Additionally, the very treatments used to combat cancer, like surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, can sometimes lead to long-term side effects that necessitate ongoing care.

Statistics paint a sobering picture. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates that nearly 40% of cancer survivors aged 65 and older will require some form of long-term care. This number jumps to over 50% for survivors with specific cancers like head and neck cancers, which can affect speech and swallowing, or cancers requiring limb amputations.

Even seemingly "mild" side effects like fatigue or neuropathy can significantly impact daily living, potentially triggering the need for personal care, home management, or transportation assistance. 

While advancements in cancer treatment improve survival rates, they also highlight the growing need for robust and accessible long-term care options for cancer survivors facing ongoing challenges due to their diagnosis and treatment journey.

If you or a loved one needs long-term care, finding the right care provider can make all the difference. Finding quality care requires thorough research, asking the right questions, and carefully evaluating available options. 

The LTC NEWS Caregiver Directory allows you to search over 80,000 listings that include in-home caregivers and facilities. The directory is free and comprehensive.

If you are a care provider, claim your free listing and even upgrade your listing (at a modest charge) - Visit the LTC News Directory Business Portal

Treatment Options

Fortunately, today's cancer treatments are more advanced and personalized than ever before. Common treatment options include:

  • Surgery: Removing cancerous tissue remains a cornerstone of many cancer treatments. Different surgical techniques, ranging from minimally invasive to more extensive procedures, are available depending on the cancer type and stage.
  • Radiation therapy: High-energy beams target and destroy cancer cells, often used in combination with other treatments.
  • Chemotherapy: Powerful drugs kill cancer cells throughout the body but can also cause side effects.
  • Immunotherapy: Boosts the body's natural defenses to fight cancer cells, a rapidly evolving field with promising results.
  • Targeted therapy: Drugs designed to target specific genetic mutations or vulnerabilities in cancer cells.

Heroes Helping Those Battling Cancer

The fight against cancer involves a dedicated team of professionals working together to offer comprehensive care throughout the journey. This diverse group plays crucial roles in diagnosis, treatment, support, and recovery.

At the forefront are oncologists and specialized doctors who diagnose and treat cancer. Medical oncologists administer chemotherapy and other drugs, while surgical oncologists perform surgeries to remove tumors. 

Radiation oncologists utilize targeted radiation therapy. Other specialists like urologists, neurologists, or dermatologists might be involved depending on the specific cancer. Nurses, especially oncology nurses, provide invaluable bedside care, administer medications, and offer emotional support.

Beyond the immediate treatment team, other professionals contribute significantly. Pathologists analyze tissue samples to diagnose cancer type and stage. Radiologists interpret scans and imaging tests. Rehabilitation therapists help patients regain strength and function after surgery or treatment. Dietitians advise on proper nutrition to support healing and manage side effects. Social workers connect patients with resources and provide emotional and practical support throughout the journey. 

Psychologists and counselors offer vital mental health support to manage the emotional challenges of cancer diagnosis and treatment. This collaborative approach ensures patients receive individualized, holistic care, addressing not just the physical aspects of cancer but also the emotional and social well-being throughout their journey.

From offering emotional support to managing symptoms, these roles enrich patients' lives in countless ways. Stick around to discover the most rewarding careers that contribute to easing the cancer journey.

Here are some of the professionals who often get less attention:

Medical Dosimetrist

First up on our list is the medical dosimetrist, a whiz at calculating and planning radiation treatment for cancer patients. These precision-driven pros work with oncologists to tailor doses that zap cancer cells while sparing healthy tissue. It's like they're crafting a custom battle plan for each patient.

The primary responsibility of a medical dosimetrist is to design and calculate the proper radiation dose for patient treatment. They work closely with the medical physicist and the radiation oncologist to create optimal treatment plans that maximize the dose to the tumor while minimizing the exposure to the surrounding healthy tissues.

If your son or daughter, or grandson or daughter, are considering a career in health care, enrolling in a medical dosimetry program in Brooklyn or any other location imbued with expertise that offers insights into this delicate science of healing is a good option. 

For the patient, having a skilled dosimetrist on board means treatments are more precise, side effects can be minimized, and there's an overall boost in the fight against cancer. Talk about being a lifesaver behind the scenes!

Patient Navigator

Have you come across the term' Patient Navigator'? These professionals serve as essential guides within the health system, specifically for individuals battling cancer. They navigate patients through the complex maze of treatments, medical appointments, and the intricacies of healthcare administration.

Acting as a personal support system through the cancer journey, Patient Navigators offer both emotional backing and logistical assistance. They help interpret medical jargon, tackle insurance issues, and provide unwavering support. For someone dealing with cancer, the role of a Patient Navigator is crucial. It transcends beyond mere logistical help; it's about ensuring the patient feels understood and upheld during an overwhelming and often frightening experience. The assurance of having a dedicated guide can significantly alleviate the stress and burden that patients and their families often carry.

Oncology Social Workers

Oncology Social Workers serve as vital sources of emotional and practical support for individuals undergoing cancer treatment. These professionals are there to listen, offer guidance, and navigate the non-medical aspects of the cancer journey, which can often be just as daunting as the treatment itself.

Whether it's providing a comforting presence during moments of fear and uncertainty or tackling logistical tasks like arranging transportation and defending patient rights, Oncology Social Workers are versatile allies in cancer care. They stand by patients, offering the emotional strength and practical help needed to face the multifaceted challenges of cancer. The peace of mind and deep support these dedicated professionals provide are immeasurable, truly making them unsung heroes in the healthcare system.

Clinical Nurse Specialist

The role of a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in oncology is pivotal, serving as expert clinicians who orchestrate comprehensive patient care. These registered nurses possess advanced education and training, equipping them to navigate the intricacies of cancer treatment effectively.

A CNS specializes in creating customized care plans, adeptly managing the dynamic and complex symptoms associated with cancer. This approach ensures that patient treatment is precise and specifically tailored to individual needs, moving beyond generic solutions to offer targeted, informed care.

Moreover, these specialists excel in demystifying medical terminology, ensuring patients have a clear understanding of their treatment journey. The CNS role is also uniquely adaptable, appealing to nursing professionals seeking a blend of clinical expertise and the opportunity to work in diverse settings, including the possibility of travel.

Cancer and Aging: Proactivity in Health and Long-Term Care Planning

The prospect of facing cancer can be particularly daunting as one ages. With advancing years come heightened concerns about health and the potential need for extended care. Thankfully, strides in medical science have greatly improved the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, enhancing the chances of successful outcomes. 

However, the foundation of effective cancer management is regular annual check-ups and a proactive approach to personal health. Early detection through routine screenings plays a critical role in catching cancer at its most treatable stages.

The American Cancer Society says screening tests are used to find cancer before a person has any symptoms. Screening can often help find and treat pre-cancers and cancers early before they have a chance to spread - Cancer Screening Guidelines | Detecting Cancer Early.

Yet, even with the best preventive measures and treatments, cancer can lead to situations requiring long-term care, a reality that many find unexpected. It's crucial to understand that the costs associated with long-term care, which may arise due to the after-effects of cancer treatment, are not covered by standard health insurance or Medicare. 

This gap in coverage can lead to significant financial strain, making Long-Term Care Insurance an invaluable resource. This type of insurance ensures access to a range of quality care options, offering peace of mind and security regardless of the reasons for needing long-term care, which can include chronic illnesses, mobility issues, dementia, and general frailty.

The journey to securing one's future, especially in the context of potential long-term care needs, should ideally begin before retirement. Planning ahead allows individuals to explore the best insurance options and safeguard their assets and lifestyles against the high costs of long-term care. In doing so, individuals can focus on their health and well-being, knowing they have a plan in place to address the physical, emotional, and financial aspects of long-term care when the need arises.

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About the Author

Linda Maxwell is a retired journalist who now focuses on writing about topics that captivate her, such as aging, health, long-term care, and retirement issues. Her aim is to maintain an active and engaged mind, and through her writing, she hopes to help others stay positively engaged with life.

LTC News Contributor Linda Maxwell

Linda Maxwell

Contributor since December 11th, 2017

Editor's Note

A comprehensive retirement plan needs an affordable solution to future long-term care costs. The cost of long-term care services is increasing rapidly nationwide. The financial repercussions of long-term care can significantly deplete your 401(k), income, and assets. Beyond the monetary strain, long-term care also imposes a physical and emotional toll on loved ones, who frequently find themselves in the challenging role of caregivers or coordinators of professional care amidst their own personal and professional responsibilities.

With affordable Long-Term Care Insurance, you gain the freedom to select high-quality care in your preferred setting, effectively alleviating the potential stress and responsibility from your loved ones. Many people are unaware that LTC Insurance pays for in-home care, in addition to adult day care centers, assisted living, memory care, as well as nursing homes. 

But don't delay, as your health can change without much notice, and changes in health can happen at any age. Each insurance company has its specific underwriting guidelines, and a qualified Long-Term Care insurance specialist will match your age, health, and other factors when showing you accurate quotes from all the top-rated companies. 

Research Tools on LTC NEWS

You will find numerous tools and resources on LTC NEWS to help educate you on long-term care planning, aging, caregiving, health, and retirement planning. 

LTC NEWS Caregiver Directory: Your Resource for Finding Quality Care Provider

Don't let the stress of finding high-quality long-term care services for a loved one make life difficult for you.

The LTC NEWS Caregiver Directory provides essential help by enabling you to browse through more than 80,000 care providers. This free, extensive national database covers a broad spectrum of long-term care services, making locating qualified caregivers or suitable care facilities easier. You have the convenience of searching for providers in your or your loved one's area while learning about their qualifications and available services.

For those with an LTC policy, LTC NEWS can help process claims from any Long-Term Care Insurance policy. LTC NEWS, in partnership with Amada Senior Care, a nationally recognized in-home health care agency, ensures that you and your loved ones receive the quality care you deserve. This service comes at no cost or obligation - Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim.

These four LTC NEWS guides will assist you in trying to find appropriate long-term services for a loved one:

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