Study: Drinking Water Before Meals = Weight Loss

Obesity is increasing health problems as we get older. Problems like diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems are just a few issues that worsen after age 50. Research suggests drinking a pint of tap water before meals will help people lose weight. Increased water use benefits our overall health as well.

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Study: Drinking Water Before Meals = Weight Loss
4 Min Read August 28th, 2015 Updated:March 8th, 2022

A new study from the England’s University of Birmingham suggests drinking a pint of water before meals is the secret to losing weight. Researchers report that obese adults who consumed a pint of tap water before meals lost about 9.5 lbs. over a 12 week period.

Obesity causes several health issues, which lead to a much higher risk of long-term health care later in life. These include heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, some cancers, osteoarthritis, and breathing issues like asthma and sleep apnea.

The study participants were encouraged to drink tap water instead of sparkling water, sodas, or sweetened drinks that were not allowed as part of the study.

 "The beauty of these findings is in the simplicity."

"Just drinking a pint of water, three times a day, before your main meals may help reduce your weight.”

"When combined with brief instructions on how to increase your amount of physical activity and on a healthy diet, this seems to help people to achieve some extra weight loss - at a moderate and healthy rate.” 

"It's something that doesn't take much work to integrate into our busy everyday lives." 

Dr. Helen Parretti, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) clinical lecturer at the University of Birmingham

The research is published in the Journal of Obesity.

Water and Overall Health

Drinking water also helps our overall health. The CDC says that drinking water prevents dehydration. Dehydration can cause unclear thinking and mood changes. Dehydration can also cause your body to overheat and lead to constipation and kidney stones.

CDC lists the benefits of drinking water for your body and health:

Water helps your body:

  • Keep a normal temperature
  • Lubricate and cushion joints
  • Protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues
  • Get rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements

Read these tips about how to drink more water and other healthy drinks - Water and Healthier Drinks | Healthy Weight, Nutrition, and Physical Activity | CDC.

Aging and Water Consumption

Drinking more water is good for everyone; however, the amount of fluid in our bodies decreases as we get older. The National Institute of Aging (NIA) says many older adults lose some sense of thirst as they get older. Plus, seniors tend to take more medications, and many of these drugs work best with more fluids in your body.

NIA offers these tips for getting more fluids every day:

  • Don't wait until you feel thirsty to drink water or other fluids.
  • Take sips of water, milk, or juice between bites during meals.
  • Add liquids throughout the day.
  • Drink a full glass of water when you take a pill.
  • Have a glass of water before you exercise.

Read more from the NIA by clicking here.

This water intake calculator can help you or a family member keep track of how much water you are taking in each day - Water Intake Calculator – Fitness Volt

Drink More Water - Lose Weight - Enjoy Better Health

Getting into the habit of drinking more water will benefit you and your older family members. Being proactive with your health will benefit you today and as you get older. 

Longevity has its challenges, financially and with your health. The costs and burdens of aging affect your income, assets, lifestyle, and legacy. Being proactive with the consequences of aging will also benefit your future retirement.

According to experts, about half of us who reach age 65 will need long-term health care. The costs of professional caregivers are growing quickly. Family caregivers are not prepared or trained for this job, which interferes with their careers and other family responsibilities. The consequences impact your cash flow and your family. 

While water will improve your health, it won't stop aging. Aging happens, and we need long-term health care due to illnesses, accidents, or the consequences of longevity. 

Long-Term Care Insurance is a solution many American families look toward in order to access quality care in the future in all settings, including at home. When you own an LTC policy, you own a solution. You also help your loved ones by giving them the time to be family instead of becoming caregivers. 

Most people obtain coverage in their 50s. Take a drink of water and start planning.

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About the Author

An LTC News author focusing on long-term care and aging.

LTC News Contributor James Kelly

James Kelly

Contributor since August 21st, 2017

Editor's Note

Being prepared for future declining health and aging is vital to your retirement planning. People need long-term health care due to illnesses, accidents, or the consequences of aging. The costs of long-term health care services are rising at an alarming rate due to increasing demand and high labor costs.

Part of the problem is health insurance and Medicare, including supplements, will not pay for most of these long-term care costs. While Medicaid will pay for long-term health care, you must have little or no income and assets to qualify for those benefits.

There are only a few solutions. You could depend on family caregivers (often a daughter or daughter-in-law), spend your income and savings on professional care, or add an affordable Long-Term Care Insurance policy to your retirement plan.

LTC Insurance gives you guaranteed tax-free benefits that give you access to your choice of quality care services, including in-home care. Plus, most policies include professional case management to help your family develop a plan of care and find quality care providers.

Long-term care costs are expensive, and family caregivers face physical and emotional burdens. LTC Insurance is an easy and affordable solution but don't delay since policies are medically underwritten. Most people obtain coverage in their 50s.

Planning Tools and Resources on LTC NEWS

You can find many tools and resources on LTC NEWS to assist you in your research for a planning solution or help your family find the appropriate care for a loved one at the time of crisis. 

To help you plan the costs and burdens of changing health and aging, LTC NEWS has put in place several resources, including:

Find all the resources on LTC NEWS - Resources for Long-Term Care Planning | LTC News.

Seek Professional Guidance

Insurance rates are regulated, so no insurance agent, agency, or financial advisor can give you special deals. However, insurance companies' premiums vary over 100% for the same coverage.

Experts suggest using a qualified Long-Term Care Insurance specialist to help you navigate the many options available to you and your family.

A specialist who works with the top companies can match your age, health, family history, and other factors and find you the best coverage at the best value. A specialist will save you money, and you will have peace of mind knowing they are making the appropriate recommendations - Work With a Specialist | LTC News.

Finding Quality Care for Mom or Dad

Start by reading our four guides -  

If they are lucky enough to own a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, be sure they use it. Sometimes families wait, thinking they can save the benefits for a rainy day. Waiting on using available Long-Term Care Insurance benefits is not a wise idea. 

Get Help in Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim

Quality care obtained early will help provide a better quality of life and reduce the risk of a deep decline and facility care. If you need help in starting the process of a Long-Term Care Insurance claim, LTC NEWS can help.

LTC NEWS provides free assistance with no obligation to help you or a loved one complete the claims process with a Long-Term Care Insurance policy. We have teamed up with Amada Senior Care, who will do all the work, free with no obligation. 

You can also get support in finding quality caregivers and get recommendations for a proper care plan, whether a person has a policy or not. - Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim | LTC News

Benefits of Reverse Mortgages 

Today's reverse mortgages for those aged 62 and older could be an ideal resource to fund a Long-Term Care Insurance policy OR even provide money to pay for care if you, or a loved one, already needs help and assistance.  

Some people have much of their savings invested in their homes. With today's reverse mortgages, you can find ways to fund care solutions, care itself, even help with cash flow during your retirement. 

Learn more by asking questions to an expert. LTC NEWS columnist and host of the TV Show "62 Who Knew" will answer your questions regarding caregiving, aging, health, retirement planning, long-term care, and reverse mortgages. 

- Just "Ask Mike." - Reverse Mortgages | LTC News.

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LTC NEWS is open to contributors to share their stories with the world. 

You can write a story or ongoing column for LTC NEWS. You can write about many topics, including aging, caregiving, health, lifestyle, retirement planning, and long-term care, to name a few.

Be sure to write for our core target audience of adults aged 40 and older. Our audience is worldwide; however, our primary target is the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other English-speaking nations. 

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