Redefining Long-Term Care: Men's Changing Health and the Imperative for Planning

Men's increasing longevity poses a growing need for long-term care services as they age. Addressing the unique care requirements of men and promoting their well-being throughout their extended lifespans are crucial considerations in long-term care planning.

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Redefining Long-Term Care: Men's Changing Health and the Imperative for Planning
6 Min Read June 30th, 2023

In an evolving health landscape, the consideration of long-term care has traditionally been associated with women, given their longer life expectancy and the higher likelihood of requiring extended care. However, a paradigm shift is underway as men increasingly prioritize their health and experience longer lifespans, leading to similar longevity challenges as women.

As the aging population grows, long-term care services and support become paramount for both men and women. Embracing a wide spectrum of services, long-term care encompasses crucial aspects such as assistance with daily activities, nursing care, and comprehensive support for chronic illnesses or disabilities. With men living longer, the probability of requiring long-term care at some point in their lives becomes a tangible consideration.

There are caregiving challenges men face that are unique to men. While professionals say the core principles of caregiving remain the same regardless of gender, it is important to acknowledge that male and female care recipients often have different needs and preferences. 

Jose Dominguez, Director of Operations for Amada Senior Care in Orange County, based in San Clemente, CA, says when it comes to men, their needs can differ in various ways, particularly if they are single. 

Men may require additional support due to the absence of a spouse, partner, or immediate family members. They might need assistance with household chores, meal preparation, transportation, and other daily activities.

Dominguez says that emotional supper can be crucial for single men as they often face loneliness and social isolation.

Caregivers are attentive to these needs and strive to establish meaningful connections, engaging in conversations and activities that align with the care recipient's interests and preferences.

Men and Preventive Health Care

This changing landscape prompts a greater emphasis on preventive health care and lifestyle choices for men. Recognizing men's longevity problems fuels a newfound awareness of regular health screenings, adopting nutritious diets, engaging in exercise, and prioritizing holistic self-care practices. By proactively focusing on well-being, men can mitigate, to some extent, the risk of chronic ailments and disabilities that might necessitate long-term care down the road. However, aging cannot be stopped, and we all face declining health, accidents, mobility problems, and dementia. More and more men are living longer and dealing with dementia and other age-related issues.

Concurrently, men are increasingly active in managing their health and seeking proactive solutions for long-term care planning. This involves exploring options such as Long-Term Care Insurance to ensure they will have access to quality care services and asset protection.

Growing Number of Single Older Men with Unique Long-Term Care Needs

The number of single older men is growing, and many of these men have unique long-term care needs. Men are more likely to live alone than women, they are more likely to have chronic health conditions, and they are less likely to have access to informal caregiving support.

One of the most common long-term care needs for single older men is assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), such as bathing, dressing, and eating. Men are also more likely to need help with instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), such as managing finances, cooking, and shopping.

Men are more likely to live alone than women, which means they may not have someone to help them with their daily needs. They are also more likely to have chronic health conditions, which can make it difficult for them to care for themselves.

In addition to these basic needs, single older men may also have more complex long-term care needs. For example, they may need help with managing chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, or dementia. They may also need help with mental health conditions like depression or anxiety.

The unique long-term care needs of single older men can make it difficult for them to find and afford the care they need. Many men do not have the financial resources to pay for long-term care, and they may not have family or friends who can provide informal care.

As a result, single older men are more likely to rely on long-term care services, such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities. However, these services can be expensive and may not meet the unique needs of single older men. Some of these needs can be gender specific.

Most people will feel more comfortable in their homes, depending on their unique needs. Dominguez says that trained caregivers do approach male senior clients differently from female clients, taking into account gender-specific considerations. 

They understand the importance of maintaining the client's dignity and independence while addressing their specific needs. For instance, caregivers may adapt their approach to personal care tasks, such as bathing or dressing, based on the client's comfort level and preferences. They respect privacy boundaries and ensure open communication throughout the caregiving process.

Married Men with Wives Who Are Physically Unable to Provide Care

In addition to single older men, there is also a growing number of married men whose wives are physically unable to provide long-term care. This can be due to a number of factors, such as chronic health conditions, disabilities, or advanced age. The man may face additional depression and anxiety, knowing that not only he needs care for himself, but he is unable to provide care for his wife. 

Spouses are not always the best caregivers, especially when they are older themselves. When an older couple is in a situation where the male spouse needs care, the wife may often feel trapped, like a prisoner in her own home. 

Even if she is able to provide care, the need to take care of her husband can change her lifestyle and create an additional emotional toll. This can add additional family strain and depression.

The following are some of the challenges that married men with wives who are physically unable to provide long-term care may face:

  • Physical and emotional stress: Providing care for a spouse can be physically and emotionally demanding, especially for older adults.
  • Financial strain: The cost of long-term care can be a financial burden for many families if they do not own Long-Term Care Insurance.
  • Social isolation: Caring for a spouse can limit the amount of time and energy that a person has for social activities.
  • Decision-making: Making decisions about long-term care can be difficult, especially when there are multiple factors to consider.

Dominguez says his experience shows that when professional care is brought in for a male, the wife gets more freedom and an improved lifestyle instead of being completely responsible for her husband. 

Providing in-home care to a husband and wife often gives the spouse a much-needed break. The wife is able to rest well at night and run errands the next day without worrying that the caregiver will not be able to provide effective and safe care to her husband.

Long-Term Care is Becoming a Male Problem

It is paramount to acknowledge that long-term care is no longer solely a concern for women. The evolving health behaviors and improved self-care practices among men necessitate a heightened awareness of long-term care planning and accessible services. 

From a planning standpoint, there are more situations where both spouses need long-term care services at the same time. While men generally have problems before the woman, this is not always the place. 

The financial impact of long-term health care is obvious, and care costs are rapidly growing every year. When one spouse needs care before the other, the financial impact on the surviving spouse can dramatically change their lifestyle. When both spouses need care simultaneously, the cost can be devastating, especially if it goes on for a long time.  

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By embracing these transformative shifts and actively engaging in comprehensive long-term care planning, men can elevate their overall well-being and secure their future care needs with dignity and peace of mind. By adding Long-Term Care Insurance to their retirement plan, couples can maintain a better lifestyle during their retirement, reduce family stress and burden, and protect their cash flow and legacy. 

The primary goal for most people is quality care and independence. When you acknowledge that aging and longevity are a reality, being prepared will benefit you and your entire family.

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About the Author

Linda Kople is a freelance writer with a personal family history in long-term care. She specializes in aging-related topics such as caregiving, health, and retirement planning. Her experiences and interests drive her to explore and write about the various aspects of aging and health issues.

LTC News Contributor Linda Kople

Linda Kople

Contributor since October 31st, 2017

Editor's Note

If you are a single male or one with a partner, being prepared for the consequences of aging and chronic health issues should be a priority. Men are living longer and find themselves as both a care recipient for a spouse or the care recipient themselves. This means you will face these issues, sometimes both, at some point in your lifetime.

Does your retirement plan include Long-Term Care Insurance? If you are like most men, you don't want your adult daughter or daughter-in-law to be your future caregiver. If you have a spouse, you don't want to put them into a position where their life changes because they must focus on you. However, sometimes they will physically not be able to help much, and you both will need help and assistance. That will impact your family and finances. 

Most people get coverage in place in their 40s or 50s.

Choose Experience and Expertise in Long-Term Care Planning

For individuals in their 40s or 50s, it is crucial to proactively prepare for the potential consequences of aging, including the financial costs and burdens associated with long-term health care. While long-term care policies can be obtained at various ages, it is advisable to secure coverage during these prime years, as obtaining a policy at older ages can be costlier and more challenging due to medical underwriting and pre-existing health conditions.

What Is Underwriting In Long-Term Care Insurance?

Navigating the intricacies of Long-Term Care Insurance involves understanding that each insurance company operates with its own underwriting rules, resulting in significant variations in eligibility for coverage and the premiums for the same benefits. 

Regardless of your age, seeking the guidance of a qualified and experienced Long-Term Care Insurance specialist is vital. These specialists will carefully evaluate factors such as your age, health, family history, and other relevant details to identify the optimal coverage at the most affordable cost. 

By asking detailed questions, LTC specialists ensure accurate quotes from top insurance companies while providing their professional insights and recommendations on coverage levels. When seeking Long-Term Care Insurance, it is essential to engage the services of a qualified specialist who can guide you through the process effectively.

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LTC NEWS- Plenty of Tools and Resources to Help With Planning

When you start your research on retirement and long-term health care planning, LTC NEWS is the place with comprehensive information to help you in your process. Here are some of the available resources:

Quality Care - Help Parents Get What They Deserve

If you are seeing your parents start to decline due to aging and health, it might be time to get them appropriate care, either at home or in a quality facility. Quality care is expensive but will improve their overall quality of life. If they have a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, you will want to use the benefits right away.

LTC NEWS has teamed up with Amada Senior Care to provide you with free - no cost or obligation Long-Term Care Insurance claim processing and case management - Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim.

If a loved one needs in-home care, whether they have LTC Insurance or not, Amada may be your choice for quality care options. 

LTC NEWS has these comprehensive guides to help you in your process:

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