Military Veterans Report Limited Use of Sun Protection

Those in the military are not generally protecting themselves from issues of direct sunlight. Skin cancer issues can increase without advanced sun screen protection.

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Military Veterans Report Limited Use of Sun Protection
5 Min Read June 27th, 2015 Updated:May 2nd, 2020

Despite working multiple hours per day in direct sunlight, U.S. military veterans who were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan reported limited use of sun protection, found a new study from Vanderbilt University.

Analyzing anonymous survey data from 212 veterans from the post-deployment clinic at the Nashville VA Medical Center, researchers found that 77 percent of respondents spent four or more hours per day working in the sun, and 63 percent had at least one sunburn during deployment.

Only 13 percent of participants reported routinely using sunscreen, while 87 percent said their sunscreen use as “sporadic” or “sometimes.”

“I think we were all somewhat surprised, at first, of how many veterans experience sunburn.”

 Jennifer Powers, study author assistant professor in the dermatology division at the Vanderbilt School of Medicine
told, adding that the incidence rate was similar across different skin types and ethnicities.

Researchers also found that participants had lower access to sun protection— including hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, and shade structures— than the team anticipated. However, when participants had access to sun protection, they were more likely to use it. Additionally, participants who worked over six hours in the bright sun reported they had lower availability to sun protection.

“The study does point out that certainly, they’re not using sun protection to the degree we would all like because we know, based on previous historical data, that veterans who have particularly served in very sunny places have higher risks for melanoma later in life.”

Jennifer Powers

Applying sunscreen while on duty has challenges, researchers noted.

“I think there’s probably a lot of complicated factors in terms of how to actually put [sun protection] into practice in a very hot environment.”

Jennifer Powers

According to a 2011 study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, melanoma incidence had the most rapid increase (40 percent) among younger white men in the military, compared to the general population.

Additionally, a 2014 study published in Military Medicine found melanoma risk was higher among active-duty personnel, compared to the general population.

Individuals in the armed services are particularly at risk for melanoma, not only because of increased UV exposure but also because melanoma cells react aggressively to quick bursts of intense UV light.

“Going from a less equatorial altitude to a much more equatorial altitude quickly over a couple of days doesn’t allow your body to habituate to the stress and that’s the kind of quick, abrupt shift we associate more with melanoma than with other skin cancer,”

Jennifer Powers

Researchers noted that 80 percent of respondents relied on recall of events which occurred over a year ago.

Moving forward, the team hopes to study a broader population, including Navy and Air Force veterans. Vanderbilt University is located about an hour away from Fort Campbell Army base.

“I think a lot of people today feel a lot of gratitude toward veterans and at the same time we really want to do everything we can to protect them and this is one of those instances where we’re identifying education and protection gaps that hopefully we will act on.”

“Melanoma is on the rise, more people are dying from it, yet is the number one preventable cancer. This [population] could be subtext of that trend.”

Jennifer Powers

VA Isn't a Long-Term Care Solution for Many Vets

The VA will provide primary health care, although generally will not provide for extended long-term health care. If a veteran suffered a service-related issue that is responsible for his/her need for long-term care services, the VA will provide that care but only on a priority basis.

The VA will also provide long-term care at a VA facility for veterans who have little or no assets, no matter the reason for the care. 

The need for long-term care services is a significant area of concern for those who have served our nation is how to address the costs of very expensive long-term care. 

Since the VA will only pay for care if a veteran qualifies as low income/low asset individual OR if they have a service-related injury, planning for long-term care is essential.

Most veterans should plan ahead to protect their savings and income from the financial costs and burdens that are associated with extended care.
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This article originally appeared on FOXNEWS: Military veterans report limited use of sun protection while deployed -

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An LTC News author focusing on long-term care and aging.

LTC News Contributor James Kelly

James Kelly

Contributor since August 21st, 2017

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