Keeping Your Brain Active: Stay Sharp and Maintain Good Brain Health

Engaging in consistent mental stimulation is key to preserving cognitive function and fending off age-related decline. By actively challenging the brain through varied activities and learning, one can bolster neural connections and promote long-term brain health.

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Keeping Your Brain Active: Stay Sharp and Maintain Good Brain Health
4 Min Read September 19th, 2023

Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. But it's also a time to make sure you're keeping your brain active. Studies have shown that people who stay mentally active are less likely to develop dementia and other cognitive decline as they age.

Jessica Caldwell, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist at Cleveland Clinic's Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, says finding ways to keep your brain active in your golden years may help prevent memory issues down the road.

Jessica Caldwell

When we retire, we often lose a lot of intellectual engagement we got from our job. Without that, we're not optimizing our brain health for life.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental function that is severe enough to interfere with daily life. There are many different types of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, and Lewy body dementia.

Dementia will often require supervision and help with daily living activities. The problem is that caregiving is usually the job of unpaid and untrained family members since no other arrangements were made. Health insurance, including Medicare, will not pay for most long-term care, including dementia care. 

Long-Term Care Insurance will pay for dementia care and other long-term care services, but policies cannot be purchased once your health has changed and you need care. Medicaid will pay for dementia care, but you must have little or no income and assets. 

Risks of Dementia After Retirement

The risk of dementia increases with age. But other factors can also increase the risk, such as:

  • Low levels of education
  • A history of head injury
  • Certain medical conditions, such as stroke and diabetes
  • Social isolation
  • Inactivity

Benefits of Keeping Your Brain Active 

Keeping your brain active can help to reduce the risk of dementia and other cognitive decline. It can also improve your memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. Staying mentally active can also help to improve your mood and reduce stress.

Dr. Caldwell said finding ways to keep your brain active in your golden years may help prevent memory issues down the road. While picking an enjoyable activity is key, it must also challenge you. Learning a new skill, reading a book, and doing a puzzle are just some examples of how you can engage your brain.

You or a loved one should keep your brain active for several reasons.

  • To reduce the risk of dementia. Studies have shown that mentally active people are less likely to develop dementia and other cognitive decline.
  • To improve memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills. Staying mentally active helps keep your mind sharp and improves your ability to learn new things.
  • To improve your mood and reduce stress. Mental activity can help to release endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.
  • To reduce the risk of other health problems. Studies have shown that mentally active people are less likely to develop other health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, and depression.

Ways to Keep Your Brain Active

There are many ways to keep your brain active after retirement. Here are a few ideas:

  • Learn a new language. Learning a new language is a great way to challenge your brain and improve cognitive function.
  • Play games. Games that require thinking and strategizing, such as chess, Sudoku, and crossword puzzles, are great for your brain.
  • Read books and articles. Reading helps to keep your mind active and engaged.
  • Take classes or workshops. This is a great way to learn new things and meet new people.
  • Volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to stay mentally and physically active.
  • Socialize with friends and family. Social interaction is important for your brain health.

Dr. Caldwell said the goal should be to do an activity like this daily. Finding ways to stay social is also crucial for long-term brain health.

Most of us make friends at work, or at least have acquaintances at work we enjoy seeing. If you retire and don't have that network outside of work, you might find yourself feeling isolated or lonely. Both isolation and loneliness are not good for our brain health and are risk factors for dementia. When you retire, it's important to keep up a social network.

Dr. Caldwell adds that regular exercise and eating a healthy diet are other ways to maintain brain health as you age.

Delaying the Risk of Alzheimer's

There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease, but there are things you can do to delay the onset of the disease. These include:

  • Staying mentally active. As mentioned above, staying mentally active can help to reduce the risk of dementia and other cognitive decline.
  • Eating a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet is important for your overall health, including your brain health.
  • Exercising regularly. Exercise is also important for your brain health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
  • Getting enough sleep. Sleep is essential for brain health. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Managing stress. Stress can have a negative impact on your brain health. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise, yoga, or meditation.

Prepare for Aging - Now

Keeping your brain active after retirement is important for your overall health and well-being. It can help to reduce the risk of dementia and other cognitive decline, improve your memory and concentration, and improve your mood, and reduce stress. 

However, aging happens, and as we get older, we will experience changes in our health, body, and mind. Being prepared for the increasing costs and burdens of future long-term care will help ensure your access to quality care, protect income and assets, and allow time for loved ones to be family instead of caregivers. Long-Term Care Insurance is an affordable solution for many people.

But every insurance company has underwriting rules, so don't delay until you have significant health problems. Most people get coverage in their 40s or 50s when premiums are much lower, and your health is usually much better.

Seek help from a qualified Long-Term Care Insurance specialist to get accurate quotes from all the top companies. 

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About the Author

Linda Maxwell is a retired journalist who now focuses on writing about topics that captivate her, such as aging, health, long-term care, and retirement issues. Her aim is to maintain an active and engaged mind, and through her writing, she hopes to help others stay positively engaged with life.

LTC News Contributor Linda Maxwell

Linda Maxwell

Contributor since December 11th, 2017

Editor's Note

Long-Term Care Insurance offers a tax-free account of funds specifically for addressing long-term care expenses, be it at home or in a dedicated facility. As the demands for extended care grow with age and care costs surge, an LTC Insurance policy becomes a bulwark of financial security. 

An LTC policy not only protects your savings and assets but also assures that you receive top-notch care without burdening your finances or your family. With this coverage, you're primed to prioritize your health, having prearranged the finances for optimal care choices.

Start planning early, ideally in your 40s or 50s, when good health makes policies even more affordable. However, good health allows you to find affordable coverage in your 60s and beyond. 

Consult an Expert for LTC Insurance Needs 

Seek guidance from an independent Long-Term Care Insurance expert who represents leading insurance providers. They can tailor coverage based on your age, health, and family history, ensuring affordability. With premiums that vary dramatically between insurance companies and diverse underwriting criteria, partnering with an LTC Insurance expert simplifies and streamlines the selection process for you and your partner so you can get great coverage at the lowest cost possible.

LTC NEWS can help you find an experienced independent Long-Term Care Insurance specialist to help you shop - Find a Qualified, Independent LTC Insurance Specialist.

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There is no cost or obligation for this service - Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim. If they don't have an LTC policy, Amada can still help develop a plan of care and provide you with many affordable in-home care options. Learn more now - Find Quality In-Home Care.

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