How AI is Revolutionizing Electronic Health Records

Artificial intelligence (AI) can improve EHRs by automating tasks, making data more accessible, and providing personalized insights. As AI technology continues to develop, we can expect to see even more innovative ways to use AI in EHRs to improve health care delivery in all settings, including long-term care.

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How AI is Revolutionizing Electronic Health Records
6 Min Read July 14th, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaking up hundreds of industries, from manufacturing to eCommerce to marketing, and health care is no exception. Electronic Health Records (EHR), a relatively new component of modern health informatics, also stand to benefit from advances in AI. This article explores different AI technologies and how AI-based EHRs can improve patient care, streamline administrative tasks, and enable more precise and personalized treatments.

An infographic explaining ai and healthcare.

Technological Elements of an AI-Based EHR

Health care systems that want to harness AI in enhancing their operations must consider several vital technological elements when creating an AI-integrated EHR system:

  • Cloud data storage and databases such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL are crucial. They securely and efficiently manage the storage of vast amounts of patient data.
  • Machine learning platforms and services, including Google Cloud ML Engine, Amazon SageMaker, and Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, bring advanced AI capabilities like predictive modeling and natural language processing to the table.
  • Machine learning frameworks and libraries, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Scikit-learn, and XGBoost, serve as the foundational elements that facilitate the creation of bespoke, advanced AI features and functionalities.
  • Specific tools for particular data types, for instance, Python's SciPy for signal processing and MATLAB's Wavelet Toolbox for ECG signal analysis, enable the nuanced analysis of complex health conditions like heart rate variability and arrhythmias.

Patient Records Management

One of the fundamental applications of EHRs is managing patient records. This is an area where AI algorithms can help by handling vast amounts of data quickly and accurately:

  • Interpreting Free Text Using NLP – Medical records usually have unstructured data such as physician notes, medical histories, and medication details written in plain text. Natural Language Processing algorithms can analyze this text, decipher medical terminology and abbreviations, and classify information in a structured and systematic manner. 
  • Information Extraction – Advanced AI algorithms can be trained to sift through the volumes of patient data in EHRs to identify pertinent information such as symptoms, diseases, procedures, and medications. This helps in the creation of a comprehensive, data-rich patient profile.
  • Data Standardization – AI can help standardize and categorize the data within the EHR, even when it comes from different sources. From converting measurements to the same unit or standardizing medication names, AI assists in bringing consistency to patient records.

Integration with Imaging and Lab Results

Advanced artificial intelligence methods, especially machine learning systems like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have shown significant skill in interpreting medical imagery. Such technologies can examine various forms of medical imaging, including X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, within an Electronic Health Record (EHR). They can detect subtle patterns, discrepancies, and details that may escape the human eye.

Moreover, when these technologies are used with additional patient data, they can provide insights into future health outlooks. For example, by analyzing a patient's lab results over a period, these machine learning models can predict the probability of the patient developing a specific disease or predict the potential progression of an existing condition.

Solving Interoperability Issues

With the aid of AI, EHRs are more interoperable, meaning that data is shared more seamlessly between different health care providers or systems. This can greatly enhance continuity of care, particularly for patients who see multiple specialists or transfer between health care facilities.

  • Normalization of Data – EHRs from different health care providers often use different terminologies or formats to represent the same information. AI can be used to map these differences into a standardized format, enabling seamless transfer of data between systems.
  • Facilitating Health Information Exchange (HIE) – AI can identify relevant patient data for transfer in a Health Information Exchange network. For example, machine learning algorithms could determine what information a cardiologist would need when a patient with a cardiac issue is referred to them. Artificial intelligence could then ensure that all relevant data is included in the exchange so the cardiologist has a complete picture to assess and treat the patient. 
  • Patient Matching – AI can also assist in correctly identifying patients across different health systems. By analyzing data like names, birth dates, addresses, and more, AI can reduce the risk of duplicate records or errors in patient identification.

Supporting Physicians with Diagnostics

Clinicians spend all day seeing patients and charting, leaving little time to make the most important decisions. AI provides excellent physician decision support. 

Built-in AI suggestions can analyze patient records and suggest possible diagnoses based on the presented symptoms, collected vitals, and medical history. This feature can serve as a second opinion for physicians, either supporting their original diagnosis or offering an alternative that helps the provider decide whether to start treatment or engage in more diagnostic steps.

This approach minimizes the potential for human mistakes, guarantees that patients are provided with the most suitable treatment, and eases the decision-making load on health care professionals.

Predictive Diagnostics

The diagnostic functionality of AI can also be used in a predictive manner. Algorithms can identify patterns and correlations within large datasets of patient information, which can predict potential health issues. 

For instance, an AI system can potentially flag a patient's increased risk for chronic diseases like diabetes or heart disease based on features of their EHR that are shared with other patients with those conditions. This early warning system could lead to proactive interventions and better patient outcomes.

Personalizing Treatment Plans

Another way that artificial intelligence can improve on EHRs is through personalized patient treatment plans. Through scrutinizing a patient's health records, AI can aid doctors in devising treatment strategies that are customized to an individual patient's needs. This is especially beneficial for patients with multiple complex health conditions, where all underlying diseases and medications must be meticulously considered during the creation of treatment plans.

For instance, in oncology, AI can help choose the most effective drug combinations based on the patient's genetic profile and the tumor's characteristics. This level of personalization would be difficult and time-consuming for providers to identify themselves, but because artificial intelligence can access large data sets and draw meaningful connections – AI can create these plans easily and efficiently. 

Telemedicine Appointment Planning and Billing

Appointment planning is an administrative area where artificial intelligence integration can make major improvements. AI can optimize scheduling and appointments based on patient requests and physician availability.

Patients with more complex EHRs can be scheduled for longer appointments, while patients without existing conditions can be scheduled for shorter appointments. This ensures that the sickest patients receive appropriate care for their health and have more time to discuss changes in their health and future treatment plans. 

Furthermore, AI can assist with billing accuracy. Through NLP and clinical data extraction, AI can identify billable services, such as diagnostic tests, directly from the EHR. This reduces the chance of missed charges, overbilling, and underbilling, leading to more accurate and efficient billing practices.

AI in LTC: How Artificial Intelligence is Improving the Quality of Care

Long-term care (LTC) providers are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the quality of care for their patients. AI can automate tasks, make data more accessible, and provide personalized insights. For example, AI can be used to identify patients who are at risk for falls or who may need more frequent monitoring. AI can also be used to personalize treatment plans and ensure that patients receive the best care for their needs.

One of the most promising applications of AI in long-term health is the use of EMRs. AI can be used to analyze EMR data to identify patterns and trends. This information can then be used to improve the quality of care for patients. For example, AI can be used to identify patients who are at risk for readmission to the hospital. AI can also be used to identify patients who are not receiving the recommended care.

Closing Thoughts

The fusion of artificial intelligence and EHRs is transforming health care into an intelligent powerhouse. 

AI simplifies patient record management, improving data handling and retrieval. It enhances interoperability, easing the sharing of data between different health care systems. Furthermore, AI aids in making accurate diagnoses and even predicts potential health issues, acting as an intelligent, anticipatory system. In terms of treatment, artificial intelligence is instrumental in developing personalized plans that cater to specific patient needs. And beyond the clinical aspect, it boosts administrative tasks such as scheduling telemedicine appointments and ensuring billing accuracy. 

The advent of AI in Electronic Health Records is penning a new chapter in the book of health care – a chapter that is changing the way health care systems diagnose, treat, and manage patient health. Keep an eye on these technologies over the next few years. AI has only just got started, and the pace of advancements will continue at breakneck speed. 

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About the Author

Alena Nikuliak is Healthcare IT Consultant and Senior Business Analyst at a software development company.

LTC News Contributor Alena Nikuliak

Alena Nikuliak

Contributor since July 10th, 2023

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