Health Benefits of Riding an Electric Bike as You Age? Yes! Read the Big Three

Exercise is essential, but as you get older, some exercise can be hard on your joints. An electric bike and be fun and easy on your body.

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Health Benefits of Riding an Electric Bike as You Age? Yes! Read the Big Three
3 Min Read August 10th, 2021 Updated:February 18th, 2022

If you are looking for a fun exercise or a way to work out that is easy on your joints, here are three key health benefits of riding an electric bike as you age.

No matter if you are looking for yourself or an older family member, safe exercise is essential to good health as you get older. We do suffer from declines in our bodies as we get older. Our health declines as well. Being active and mobile will help keep a person healthier and more independent for much longer. 

What is an electric bike? Also known as an e-bike, an electric bike is a bicycle with an integrated electric motor. The motor can assist with propulsion. 

An e-bike is not an electric motorcycle as it retains the ability to be pedaled by the rider. E-bikes fall into two types, those that assist the rider's pedal-power and bikes that add a throttle, integrating moped-style functionality.

Vigorous Exercise Can Be Hard on Your Body Depending on Your Age

Since performing strenuous workouts may cause injury or be too hard on your body if you don't do them correctly, many seniors turn to electric bikes for a more manageable exercise routine that they can genuinely enjoy.

With an e-bike, a person can be active for extended periods even if they suffer from disabilities such as a bad knee, hip, or cardiac issues.

Here are three key health benefits of riding an electric bike as you age that might inspire you to purchase your own e-bike!

Easy on the Body

Engineers created electric bikes to do all the hard work for you. While you still reap the health benefits of moderate exercise, the electric bike keeps you moving without the need for strenuous pedaling, making it an excellent workout for people who may have difficulty performing a demanding activity.

Good for the Mind

Exercise does wonders for our mind, body, and spirit. Exercise builds stamina, increases muscular strength, and helps our bodies fight off diseases. As we get older, we must continue our physical activity because it can prevent potential injuries.

Working out not only benefits your body, but it produces healthy chemicals in the brain too. Exercises can reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety in older adults. Physical activity also increases mental clarity and memory while encouraging new brain cell growth, preventing cognitive decline as you age.

Research at the University of Reading and Oxford Brookes University found that cyclists aged 50-83 experienced cognitive and mental health benefits from riding any type of bicycle, including electrically assisted bikes. The benefits of the e-bike include greater improvement in brain function and mental well-being, which is especially important as a person gets older.  

Enjoy Outdoors for Longer

With an electric bike, you can travel a much longer distance because you are not using as much energy as you usually would with a manual bike. In fact, what is great about the e-bike is that you control how much assistance you want with the click of a button. You can manually pedal your bike and then switch on the electric motor whenever you choose! Choose from a wide range of electric bikes that will fit your style and preference.

Electric bikes provide a fantastic workout without causing injury to your joints. Now that you know the three health benefits of riding an electric bike as you age, you can enjoy the great outdoors while still getting an easygoing and fun workout!

Stay Active and Be Independent 

Being active and keeping your body moving is essential at all ages but becomes even more important as our bodies decline due to age and health. You should not wait until you get over 50 to start thinking about aging and keeping active for better overall health. 

However, if you have not kept yourself in shape, it is never too late to start. An e-bike is one of many things you or a loved one should do to help you stay healthy and independent as long as possible.

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About the Author

Mallory Knee is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things beauty and fashion. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

LTC News Contributor Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee

Contributor since September 25th, 2020

Editor's Note

No matter how well we stay active and take care of our health, we can't avoid aging. Aging happens, and the results have consequences on our families and finances. 

Many of us will need help with daily living activities or supervision as we experience dementia. You cannot avoid getting older, but you can prepare your family and finances for the costs and burdens that come with longevity.

Affordable Long-Term Care Insurance will give you access to your choice of quality care options, including in-home care. Your loved ones will have more time to be family instead of having to be caregivers. You will not be forced to drain your income and assets to pay for professional care; instead, you will have guaranteed tax-free benefits so you can afford quality care of your choice. 

The ideal time to obtain coverage is when you are in your 50s. You will see changes in your body and mind as you become older. Your health will decline as your get older. Being prepared before your retirement will safeguard income and assets and give your loved ones the time to be family instead of caregivers.

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A qualified Long-Term Care specialist will work with the top companies as they match your age, health, family history, and other factors and find you the best coverage at the best value. 

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Reverse Mortgages Can Be Part of a Plan

Today's reverse mortgages for those aged 62 and older could be an ideal resource to fund a Long-Term Care Insurance policy OR even provide money to pay for care if you, or a loved one, already needs help and assistance.  

Some people have much of their savings invested in their homes. With today's reverse mortgages, you can find ways to fund care solutions, care itself, even help with cash flow during your retirement. 

Learn more by asking questions to an expert. LTC NEWS columnist and host of the TV Show "62 Who Knew" will answer your questions regarding caregiving, aging, health, retirement planning, long-term care, and reverse mortgages. 

- Just "Ask Mike." - Reverse Mortgages | LTC News.

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Quality care obtained early will help provide a better quality of life and reduce the risk of a deep decline and facility care. If you need help in starting the process of a Long-Term Care Insurance claim, LTC NEWS can help.

LTC NEWS provides free assistance with no obligation to help you or a loved one complete the claims process with a Long-Term Care Insurance policy. We have teamed up with Amada Senior Care, who will do all the work, free with no obligation. 

You can also get support in finding quality caregivers and get recommendations for a proper care plan, whether a person has a policy or not. - Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim | LTC News

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