Electric Hospital Beds Helping More Older Adults Remain at Home

Electric hospital beds allow older people to stay in their homes longer and maintain a better sense of control and independence. With more people needing long-term health care, these beds make it easier for caregivers and care recipients.

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Electric Hospital Beds Helping More Older Adults Remain at Home
4 Min Read January 30th, 2023

Electric hospital beds are becoming increasingly popular for home use due to their many benefits to patients and caregivers alike. With more people receiving long-term care and remaining in their homes, more people use a hospital bed to stay at home and delay or avoid an assisted living facility or nursing home.

For those who are chronically ill or who have disabilities, a hospital bed can provide much-needed comfort, support, and independence. Hospital beds often allow for adjustable positions, allowing for better circulation, reduced pressure sores, and more effective breathing. 

Hospital beds also make it much easier for caregivers to provide assistance, as they can be raised to accommodate patient transfers and lifting. Furthermore, many hospital beds have added features such as bed rails, pressure relieving systems, and integrated lifts, which can support patients with additional needs.

An electric hospital bed makes it easier for the care recipient and their caregivers. Electric hospital beds offer many advantages and can be a good option for those struggling with limited mobility or other medical issues such as dementia. From providing comfortable sleep to encouraging independence for the elderly, electric hospital beds are a great investment for patients and caregivers.

More Comfortable for Users

Many worry that transitioning from a regular bed to a hospital one is uncomfortable. While the mattresses are different and there is an adjustment period, many users find hospital beds just as comfortable as regular beds. Many find them even more comfortable since they can adjust their head and feet as needed without asking for help or needing to pile up pillows. 

Electric hospital beds usually have adjustable positions, allowing for significant comfort and support for those who need them. This can be especially beneficial for those with mobility issues or for providing support for heavier individuals. A well-positioned bed not only reduces muscle pain and encourages sleeping posture, but it can also reduce fatigue and help the user to relax.

Easy for Everyone to Use

Understanding how to choose between hospital beds comes down to comfort because they are designed to be easy to use - both for patients and caregivers. They come with various features such as remote controls, adjustable heights, head and foot sections, and back elevations - allowing for even further customization. 

With just one touch, the care recipient can adjust the bed to their perfect level of comfort, while caregivers can easily adjust the bed with minimal effort. Furthermore, since the beds are electric and do not require manual cranking and repositioning, this makes them safer without placing unnecessary strain on the caregiver.

A fully electric bed allows the person using the bed to achieve maximum mobility and independence. 

Helpful for Caregivers

An electric hospital bed provides easy access for caregivers. As electric beds have features like adjustable height, turning and transferring patients out of bed can be made much more manageable. This is especially beneficial as it eliminates the need for the care recipient to move and reduces the risk of injury or accidents. 


Electric hospital beds are safer than regular beds when fitted with the right type of bed rails. Bed rails can provide stability and help prevent the user from inadvertently falling out of the bed. This can be crucial since elderly patients with mobility issues are more prone to fall-related injuries.

Features like a pressure management system allow the bed to be adjusted for optimal support by automatically redistributing pressure to different areas. Also, electric beds that come with an integrated lift feature can provide assistance for users to move from the sitting to the sleeping position. 

Electric beds can aid in independence when equipped with the right extra features, improving the care recipient's quality of life. The adjustable heights, turns, and transfers make it much easier and safer to care for elderly individuals with limited mobility who may otherwise be at risk of falls and injuries.

Features like pressure relief systems and integrated lifts offer support and assistance with movement and can help promote independence, something most older adults wish to maintain as they age. 

Esthetically Pleasing and Convenience

Unlike old-fashioned hospital beds, electric models come in various sleek designs, from traditional to modern. Furthermore, they can be outfitted with supportive cushions and linen for a more welcoming look. 

These electric beds also provide convenience. They can be folded away or tilted against a wall when not in use, thus providing an efficient use of space. On top of that, most models come with remote controls, meaning users can adjust themselves without leaving the bed. 

For those who use a wheelchair, these beds provide greater comfort, safety, and convenience.


Medicare Part B covers 80% of the costs of electric hospital beds under the Durable Medical Equipment (DME) benefit if the patient has a doctor's prescription for the bed. Most insurance policies for those under age 65 will also provide some coverage for electric hospital beds if deemed medically necessary.

However, some older people who want to avoid a long-term care facility will get an electric hospital bed for safety and ease of use. In this case, it would typically not be paid by Medicare. Some Long-Term Care Insurance policies will pay benefits toward an electric hospital bed if it is included in a care plan.

Many people find electric hospital beds affordable even if insurance pays a limited amount or nothing toward the purchase. The ease of use, safety features, and convenience make an electric hospital bed something to consider if someone remains in their home despite a chronic illness or aging issue.

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About the Author

Mallory Knee is a freelance writer for multiple online publications where she can showcase her affinity for all things beauty and fashion. She particularly enjoys writing for communities of passionate women who come together for a shared interest and empower one another in the process. In her free time, you can find Mallory trying a fun new dinner recipe, practicing calligraphy, or hanging out with her family.

LTC News Contributor Mallory Knee

Mallory Knee

Contributor since September 25th, 2020

Editor's Note

Have you given much thought to your preferences when you need long-term health care in the future? Many wish to remain at home when they need long-term care services because it provides a greater sense of security, familiarity, and independence.

Additionally, it can be more cost-effective since assisted living, and nursing home care can be costly. While in-home care is not cheap, it is often less expensive unless someone needs 24/7 care.

Are you prepared for the financial consequences of long-term health care? What about your family? Would they be able to quit their jobs and become full-time caregivers? Are you comfortable spending hundreds of thousands of dollars that long-term health care would cost you?

Long-Term Care Insurance is the solution for many families. When you own a policy, you own a plan. The policy benefits pay for your plan, whether it is care at home or a quality facility. Since the risk of needing long-term care is so high, being prepared will protect income and assets and reduce the stress and anxiety placed on your loved ones.

Long-Term Care Insurance is medically underwritten, so your fairly good health allows you to get a plan in place. LTC Insurance is also priced, in part, on your age and health when you obtain coverage. Most people get their LTC policy when they are in their 50s.

Who Needs LTC Insurance?

Not everyone needs Long-Term Care Insurance. Generally, LTC Insurance is something for those who have assets to protect. If you have little or no income and assets, you probably will easily qualify for Medicaid. Medicaid will pay for long-term health care if you have few financial resources.

The very wealthy may think they have enough to "self-fund" long-term care, but that still places stress on loved ones, and the tax complications make it easier and less costly to use insurance.

Who Needs Long-Term Care Insurance?

LTC Specialists Provide Expert Help

Using a Long-Term Care Insurance specialist to help you shop for coverage can help ensure that you get the most coverage for your money. A specialist can help you understand the different types of policies available to you, discuss riders and policies you may not be aware of, and provide valuable advice on which policies best meet your needs. 

Additionally, a specialist can help you understand the tax implications of Long-Term Care Insurance and how it fits into retirement planning. A specialist's help to evaluate the potential costs and coverage of different policies can save you time and money.

A qualified Long-Term Care Insurance specialist will match you with the best company to save you money. A specialist will put together accurate quotes from all the top companies based on your age, health, family history, and other factors.

Get Accurate Answers to Your Questions 

LTC NEWS provides news, advice, and resources to help seniors, their families, and caregivers better understand long-term health care planning. LTC NEWS also provides ratings of insurance companies and reviews of different long-term care insurance policies. This can help you decide which LTC policy is best for you and your loved ones. All these resources can help you in your research as you prepare for your future retirement and plan for the costs and burdens of aging and declining health.

Parent's Health Declining? Do They Need Care Now?

Get quality care for your parent or parents if they require it. LTC NEWS can assist. We've put together a few comprehensive guides to help you along the way.

Find help locating quality caregivers or long-term care facilities and get recommendations for a proper care plan, whether a person has a policy. - Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim.

Make sure your loved one uses their Long-Term Care Insurance if they are fortunate enough to have it. Families sometimes postpone taking advantage of the benefits thinking family members can provide care, saving the benefits for later when it is deemed "more necessary."

Delaying the use of available Long-Term Care Insurance benefits is not a good idea. The policy provides you with access to quality care when someone needs it. It also gives loved ones time to be family instead of caregivers.

These guides can be very helpful as you try to find appropriate long-term care services for a loved one:

Today's Reverse Mortgages Can Benefit Older Families

Some people have a large portion of their savings in their homes. With the help of reverse mortgages, you can find ways to pay for quality in-home care, pay for LTC Insurance, and even assist with cash flow during retirement.

Yes, today's reverse mortgages may be the perfect way to pay for a Long-Term Care Insurance policy or even cover the cost of in-home care if you or a loved one is currently in need.

Asking an expert with your questions will help you learn more. Mike Banner, a columnist for LTC NEWS and the host of the television program "62 Who Knew," will respond to your inquiries about long-term care, reverse mortgages, aging, and health.

- Just "Ask Mike." - Reverse Mortgages | LTC News.

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