Conquering Chronic Pain: Everyday Techniques for a More Comfortable Life

Coping with chronic pain can be daunting, particularly without appropriate coping mechanisms. As individuals age, pain tends to become more prevalent and difficult to manage. Proactively preparing for the aging process yields benefits for oneself, family, and financial well-being.

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Conquering Chronic Pain: Everyday Techniques for a More Comfortable Life
13 Min Read May 10th, 2023 Updated:June 6th, 2023

Living with chronic pain can often feel like an insurmountable challenge, casting a shadow over the simple pleasures of daily life and dampening productivity. Pain is something we experience at all ages, but as we grow older, our bodies undergo various changes that give rise to pain. In fact, many older adults find themselves grappling with persistent pain as they age, making pain management an increasingly important aspect of maintaining the quality of life in our later years.

However, hope is far from lost. Through perseverance and the implementation of effective strategies, it is possible to manage chronic pain and reclaim the joy and fulfillment of life's many experiences.

We will explore various coping techniques and approaches to help you or a loved one better manage chronic pain and prevent it from becoming an all-consuming force. By employing these practical strategies, you can regain control of your life and participate in the activities you once cherished.

Understand that no two experiences of chronic pain are identical. Thus, it is important to acknowledge and accept your unique journey, recognizing that progress may be gradual and non-linear. With a combination of patience and determination, you or a loved one can forge a path to improved well-being.

Building a Support System

One key aspect of managing chronic pain is building a support system. This may include friends, family, or medical professionals who understand your condition and can offer both emotional and practical assistance. This network can provide invaluable encouragement and guidance, especially during challenging times.

Another critical step is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient sleep. While these may seem like basic tenets of wellness, their impact on chronic pain management cannot be overstated. Furthermore, consider exploring alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massage, or yoga to complement your existing treatment plan.

Developing effective coping strategies is also essential. This may involve learning relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation, to reduce stress and alleviate pain. Additionally, establishing a routine can help create a sense of stability and control, empowering you or a loved one to better manage the pain.

Remember that mental health is just as important as physical well-being. Anyone suffering from chronic pain should consider seeking professional help, such as counseling or therapy, to address the emotional toll of chronic pain. This can help cultivate resilience and foster a more positive outlook on life, making navigating the challenges of chronic pain easier.

Managing chronic pain on a daily basis may be a complex and ongoing process, but it is far from impossible. With some of these strategies below and remaining patient with your or your loved one's progress, anyone with chronic pain can gradually reclaim control of their life and rediscover the joy of engaging in the activities that were once enjoyed.

Create a Daily Routine

Embracing a regular daily routine can be beneficial and be a game-changer for individuals living with chronic pain. By introducing structure and direction to life, a well-planned schedule can help alleviate feelings of disarray and foster a sense of accomplishment.

A consistent routine promotes organization and productivity and provides the motivation needed to face each day with determination. Moreover, maintaining a stable schedule makes it significantly easier to manage chronic pain symptoms, ensuring that you stay in control of your own well-being.

When crafting your daily routine, being mindful of your current physical and mental abilities is essential. Strive to create a schedule that is both realistic and manageable, taking into consideration your unique circumstances and limitations. This might involve breaking tasks down into smaller steps or allocating sufficient rest periods between activities to prevent overexertion.

In addition to incorporating essential daily tasks, such as work or household chores, include activities promoting self-care and overall well-being. For instance, allocate time for gentle exercise, relaxation techniques, and hobbies or interests that bring you joy. These activities can help counterbalance the challenges of chronic pain and provide a much-needed respite from discomfort.

Remember, the key to creating an effective routine is flexibility. Allow yourself the grace to adapt and modify your schedule as needed, recognizing that some days may be more challenging than others. By maintaining a sense of balance and prioritizing your well-being, a well-structured routine can serve as a powerful tool in your journey towards better pain management and more fulfilling life.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness, a meditation technique rooted in ancient traditions, has gained widespread recognition for its remarkable ability to alleviate stress and enhance self-awareness. By incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily life, you can cultivate a more profound understanding of your chronic pain and develop effective strategies to manage it.

Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program and a renowned expert in the field of mindfulness, has spoken extensively on the benefits of mindfulness for chronic pain management. In his book "Full Catastrophe Living ((Kabat-Zinn, J. (2013). Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. Bantam Books.)," he writes:

In MBSR, we emphasize that awareness and thinking are very different capacities. Both, of course, are extremely potent and valuable, but from the perspective of mindfulness, it is awareness that is healing, rather than mere thinking... The cultivation of mindfulness has to do with the waking up and paying attention in a systematic way to the full range of our experience, including the pain we feel, and our reactions to it, and learning to work wisely and compassionately with it.

Dedicating time each day to immerse someone in the present moment allows the person to foster a deeper connection with their body and mind. This heightened awareness can empower anyone with chronic pain to recognize early signs of discomfort and take proactive steps to alleviate pain before it escalates.

There are numerous ways to practice mindfulness, with deep breathing exercises and guided meditation being among the most popular methods. 

For instance, you can engage in diaphragmatic breathing, where you inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, allowing your diaphragm to expand fully, followed by a gentle and controlled exhale. This practice can help soothe both your body and mind, reducing pain and tension in the process.

Guided meditation, on the other hand, involves listening to a calming voice or audio recording that directs your focus and guides your thoughts, helping you to cultivate a state of deep relaxation and mindfulness. As you become more adept at these practices, you may also explore additional techniques such as body scan meditation or loving-kindness meditation, each offering unique benefits in managing chronic pain.

Integrating mindfulness practices into your or a loved one's daily routine can gradually build resilience, improve emotional well-being, and gain greater control over chronic pain. In doing so, it opens the door to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence, where pain no longer holds anyone back from fully embracing life's countless opportunities.

Exercise Regularly

Consistent physical activity plays a pivotal role in alleviating chronic pain, enhancing overall well-being, and stimulating the release of endorphins, which elevate mood and contribute to a more positive outlook. By engaging in regular exercise tailored to someone's unique needs and capabilities, you can reap the rewards of improved health and pain management.

Dr. Edward Laskowski, a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and co-director of the Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center, has spoken about the importance of exercise for individuals with chronic pain.

Dr. Laskowski's expertise highlights the myriad benefits of exercise for those struggling with chronic pain, emphasizing the importance of incorporating regular physical activity into their daily lives. By improving muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, mood, and stress management, exercise can be a powerful tool in the quest for better pain control and overall well-being.

Exercise is a natural way to help control pain. Research has shown that people who participate in an exercise program experience improvements in pain and disability related to their chronic pain. Exercise helps improve muscle strength, flexibility and endurance, and it also helps control mood and stress.

Low-impact exercises, such as yoga, tai chi, walking, and swimming, offer excellent alternatives for individuals with chronic pain. These gentle activities promote flexibility, strength, and balance while minimizing the risk of exacerbating pain or causing injury.

Yoga, for instance, emphasizes the harmony between breath and movement, helping to reduce stress and tension while fostering increased body awareness. Tai chi, an ancient Chinese martial art, combines slow, deliberate movements with deep breathing and meditation to improve balance, coordination, and relaxation. 

Walking is a versatile and easily accessible form of exercise that can be adapted to various fitness levels and preferences, promoting cardiovascular health without placing undue strain on the body. With its buoyant support and low-impact nature, swimming provides a full-body workout that can be adjusted to accommodate different abilities and goals.

To fully harness the benefits of exercise for chronic pain management, developing a routine that best aligns with someone's individual needs and abilities is essential. Consult with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness trainer to design a personalized exercise plan, taking into consideration the person's specific pain triggers, physical limitations, and overall health. Remember to listen to your body, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts while remaining mindful of your pain thresholds.

Integrating regular exercise into daily life can cultivate greater physical and emotional resilience, empowering them to better manage chronic pain and embrace a more active, fulfilling lifestyle.

Find Positive Distractions

When living with chronic pain, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. It's important to have hobbies or activities that help you take your mind off the pain and make you feel good. 

This could include reading a book, listening to music, playing an instrument, or creating art. Anything that brings you joy and provides a distraction from the pain can help you better manage it on a daily basis.

Monitor Symptoms 

Keeping a close eye on your symptoms is crucial to effectively managing chronic pain. Through diligent monitoring, someone can discern patterns and fluctuations in pain levels, enabling them to determine when their symptoms improve or worsen.

Identifying these patterns can pinpoint potential triggers that exacerbate pain, such as specific activities, stressors, or environmental factors. With this knowledge, a targeted plan can be implemented to mitigate these triggers and better manage your discomfort.

Tracking symptoms also helps gauge the efficacy of various treatments and self-care strategies, allowing the person with pain to optimize the pain management plan over time. By remaining vigilant and proactive in monitoring chronic pain, individuals can take greater control over their well-being and work towards a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

Get Enough Sleep

Securing adequate rest is of paramount importance for individuals grappling with chronic pain. Insufficient sleep can exacerbate fatigue, intensify pain symptoms, and hinder overall well-being. To counteract these negative effects, strive to obtain 7-9 hours of sleep each night and cultivate healthy sleep habits.

Establishing a consistent bedtime, refraining from consuming caffeine in the latter part of the day, and minimizing screen time before bed are all valuable practices contributing to better sleep quality. Creating a sleep-conducive environment, complete with comfortable bedding, cool temperatures, and minimal noise and light, can also facilitate a more restful slumber.

In addition to these sleep hygiene practices, consider incorporating relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery, into your bedtime routine. These methods can help calm the mind and body, easing the transition into sleep and potentially alleviating pain throughout the night. By prioritizing sleep and nurturing healthy habits, anyone can bolster their ability to manage chronic pain and enhance their overall quality of life.

Talk to Others

Connecting with others and openly discussing your chronic pain experiences can play a vital role in a journey toward better pain management. Engaging in conversations with medical professionals, therapists, support groups, or loved ones can help dispel feelings of isolation and reinforce the sense of support the person with pain needs to persevere.

Consulting with a doctor or therapist can provide valuable insights into the condition, equip coping strategies, and empower informed decisions regarding proper care. Support groups, whether in-person or online, offer a platform to share experiences and advice with fellow chronic pain sufferers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and understanding.

In addition to these resources, confiding in family and friends who empathize with the struggles anyone with chronic pain is undergoing can provide emotional relief and fortify the bonds they share. These loved ones can offer encouragement, practical assistance, or simply a listening ear as you navigate the challenges of living with chronic pain.

By nurturing open communication about pain experiences, you can create a supportive network that bolsters your resilience and fosters a more positive mindset. Embracing the power of connection, both with professionals and loved ones, can significantly enhance your ability to manage chronic pain and lead a more fulfilling life.

Try Complementary Treatments

In pursuing effective chronic pain management, it is crucial to explore diverse treatments and therapeutic approaches to identify the most suitable strategies for your unique needs.

Ask your doctor about incorporating complementary treatments like acupuncture, cannabis, massage therapy, or biofeedback into your routine. 

  • Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body, stimulating natural pain-relief pathways and promoting relaxation. This technique can be particularly beneficial for older individuals with chronic health problems, as it offers a non-invasive and drug-free approach to pain management.
  • Cannabis, which contains therapeutic compounds such as cannabinoids, has been increasingly recognized for its potential to alleviate pain and inflammation. For older adults with chronic health issues, cannabis-based treatments may provide a viable alternative to traditional pain medications, reducing reliance on potentially harmful pharmaceuticals.
  • Massage therapy, through the manipulation of soft tissues and muscles, can help improve circulation, reduce tension, and alleviate pain. This hands-on approach is especially suitable for older people with chronic health problems. It can be tailored to accommodate individual needs and preferences, fostering relaxation and enhanced well-being.
  • Biofeedback, a technique that involves learning to control physiological processes through the use of monitoring devices, empowers individuals to better manage their pain responses. For older adults struggling with chronic health issues, biofeedback can provide valuable insights into their pain triggers and coping mechanisms, enabling them to take a more proactive role in their pain management journey.

Acupuncture Can Help with Chronic Relief Pain


Acupuncture, listed above as an complementary treatment, is an ancient Chinese practice, is increasingly being recognized in Western medicine as an effective treatment for chronic pain. 


It involves the insertion of thin needles at specific points on the body, aiming to balance the body's energy, or "qi." Research shows that this method stimulates the body's natural painkillers, endorphins, thus relieving people suffering from osteoarthritis, migraines, and lower back pain. Many of these health problems become more chronic as people age.


More medical professionals are now recommending acupuncture as a complementary treatment, offering an alternative to those seeking non-pharmacological treatment for managing their chronic pain.

Pace Yourself

Enduring chronic pain can be immensely taxing, making adopting a measured approach to daily activities essential. Ensure to allocate sufficient time for rest and recovery throughout the day, allowing the body to rejuvenate.

Resist the temptation to overexert or attempt to tackle an overwhelming number of tasks simultaneously. Instead, attune yourself to your body's signals and heed its call for breaks when necessary. By practicing self-compassion and maintaining a balanced pace, you or your loved one can optimize your well-being and better manage your chronic pain.

Being Prepared

Preparing for the natural aging process is vital, as both the body and mind may experience declines over time. Chronic pain is just one of the many factors that can contribute to the need for long-term health care. 

Adopt a proactive approach to maintaining overall health, focusing on preventive measures and fostering resilience in the face of age-related changes.

Developing a comprehensive care financial plan before you retire to address the increasing cost and burdens that long-term care will bring to you and your loved ones. Long-Term Care Insurance is one smart way to prepare for the consequences of aging.

The best time to plan is before your health declines. Most people obtain coverage in their 40s or 50s when their health is still relatively good, and premiums are much lower. 

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About the Author

Prince Kapoor is a seasoned Marketing Analyst and Blogger at ViralChilly.

LTC News Contributor Prince Kapoor

Prince Kapoor

Contributor since May 2nd, 2023

Editor's Note

The costs and burdens of aging can have significant implications for an individual's financial stability, assets, lifestyle, and the legacy they leave behind. As people grow older, they often face the risk of long-term health care expenses due to chronic health conditions, cognitive decline, or mobility issues. These costs can quickly erode savings and assets that have been accumulated over a lifetime, potentially leaving individuals and their families in financial distress.

Moreover, the financial strain of long-term care can negatively impact the lifestyle that individuals and their loved ones have grown accustomed to, forcing them to make difficult choices and compromises in order to meet mounting care expenses. This can lead to increased stress and anxiety for all parties involved as they struggle to find the means to provide adequate care and maintain their desired standard of living.

Additionally, the burden of providing care often falls on family members, who may need to take on significant caregiving responsibilities, further contributing to emotional and financial stress. These challenges can strain family dynamics and impede the ability to preserve and pass on a meaningful legacy to future generations.

Long-Term Care Insurance offers a viable solution to these challenges by providing guaranteed tax-free benefits that can be utilized to pay for a range of care options, from in-home assistance to assisted living or nursing home care. This type of insurance coverage allows individuals to choose the setting and quality of care that best suits their needs while preserving their assets and safeguarding their financial future.

Adding Long-Term Care Insurance to your retirement planning can alleviate the financial pressure on families, enabling them to focus on providing emotional support and maintaining their own well-being. 

Ultimately, Long-Term Care Insurance serves as a valuable tool for protecting assets, ensuring access to quality care, and reducing the burden on family members, thereby preserving the legacy that individuals have worked so hard to create.

It is your good health today that gives you the ability to think about Long-Term Care Insurance because these policies are medically underwritten. The time to obtain coverage is in your 40s or 50s, but those in reasonably good health may be able to get coverage at older ages. Remember that premiums are based partly on age, health, and family history.

Specialists Help You Save Money and Time

Most financial advisors and general insurance agents lack the experience and skills to help with long-term care planning. Long-Term Care Insurance specialists typically work with all the top insurance companies and have the required training and experience to provide you with accurate quotes along with professional recommendations. 

Premiums and underwriting criteria can differ significantly among insurance companies, making it crucial to consult top specialists who assist hundreds of clients annually with Long-Term Care Insurance. Their expertise and guidance can be invaluable in navigating the intricacies of this market. 

Keep in mind that insurance companies are required to file their products and pricing with each state's insurance department, ensuring that no individual agent, agency, or advisor can offer exclusive deals or promotions.

By seeking the counsel of experienced professionals in the field, you can better understand your options and make well-informed decisions regarding Long-Term Care Insurance, ultimately securing the coverage that best aligns with your needs and goals.

Get Accurate Answers to the Most Asked Questions

Here are several frequently asked questions that you should review as part of your research:

LTC NEWS Provides Essential Resources for In-Depth Research

There is no other place on the internet where you will see comprehensive and accurate information on long-term health care, aging, caregiving, health, retirement planning, and Long-Term Care Insurance.

These resources are vital to review:

Seeking Assistance for Your Aging Parents?

It might be too late for your older parents to purchase Long-Term Care Insurance. A qualified Long-Term Care Insurance specialist will tell you, depending on their age and health, if options are available. 

Otherwise, your parents deserve quality care, and adult children and their spouses will not have the skills or the time to provide that care. Finding quality care can be difficult.

If your loved one is lucky enough to own a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, be sure they use it. Sometimes families wait, thinking they can save the benefits for a rainy day. Waiting on using available Long-Term Care Insurance benefits is not a wise idea. 

Get help finding quality caregivers or long-term care facilities and get recommendations for a proper care plan, whether a person has a policy. 

Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim

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