Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury cases span a wide range, from car accidents and medical malpractice to slip and fall incidents or workplace injuries. These legal disputes typically arise when one party's negligence or intentional actions result in harm to another individual.

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Common Types of Personal Injury Cases
3 Min Read July 28th, 2023

It is a personal injury when someone is hurt because another person or entity was negligent. Personal injury cases can involve car crashes, defective products, and botched surgeries, to name a few.

While different, they all share negligence as a factor. If you are hurt because someone else was negligent, you should consider filing a personal injury claim to recover your financial losses.

Most people choose to file a personal injury claim with the help of an attorney. An attorney gives you a better chance of a successful outcome and a larger settlement. 

The prevalence and nature of personal injury cases can significantly vary from one metropolitan area to another due to differences in population density, lifestyle, local laws, and infrastructure. A densely populated city with heavy traffic may see a higher number of automobile accidents, while a city with many construction sites might experience more worker-related injuries. Local laws and regulations can also influence the type of cases that occur and how they're handled. Therefore, it's essential to engage a local attorney who's well-versed in the unique aspects of personal injury law in their specific metropolitan area.

For reference these are the some of the most common types of personal injury cases that occur in St. Louis.

Car Accidents

It’s not all that surprising that car accidents top the list of personal injury cases since there are so many cars on the road. Most of these crashes occur because of distracted drivers who are too busy texting to pay attention on the road.

Drunk driving is another cause of collisions, though reckless drivers that speed and ignore traffic laws are also negligent. If you were in a car accident, you should organize all the paperwork associated with it, including medical bills, the police report, and evidence. This will help your personal injury attorney to get the maximum recovery on your behalf.

Slip and Fall Accidents

While slip and fall accidents tend to happen more frequently to elderly members of the population, they can happen to anyone at any time. Property owners that knowingly leave a hazard unattended, such as wet floors, or fail to fix a danger like a loose railing on a staircase, are negligent in their duty of care.

Medical Malpractice

Botched surgeries may be the first image that comes to your mind at the mention of medical malpractice. However, surgeons aren’t the only ones who can be held liable for medical errors. If you pick up your prescription from the pharmacy and the pharmacist has put the wrong medication in the bottle, you can sue for medical malpractice.

Missteps of this magnitude can carry lifelong consequences, potentially resulting in the premature loss of a loved one. Ensuring medical professionals are held responsible for any negligent behavior is vital.

Long-Term Care Facilities

Long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes or assisted living communities, are environments where personal injury cases can be alarmingly common. With an aging population that often requires complex and continuous care, these facilities can sometimes fall short in providing the appropriate level of attention and safety.

Incidents can range from negligent care causing bedsores or improper medication administration to more severe issues such as physical or emotional abuse from staff members.

Several factors contribute to the prevalence of personal injury cases in long-term care facilities. Staffing shortages, insufficient training, and communication gaps can lead to oversights and mistakes. In the worst cases, they can lead to situations of outright neglect or abuse.

Residents may suffer from falls, malnutrition, dehydration, or a failure to adequately respond to serious medical conditions. Such instances of negligence or intentional harm can cause significant physical and psychological harm, making personal injury claims in long-term care facilities a critical concern for residents and their families.

Product Liability

When you buy a product and use it according to its directions, you expect it to work as intended. What you don’t expect is to end up with a serious injury. Product liability claims are perhaps among the most challenging ones to make, which is why an attorney will be an asset to you.

Wrongful Death

If someone dies as a result of a personal injury, surviving family members can file a wrongful death lawsuit. Whether it’s a car crash or medical misdiagnosis, a personal injury attorney can help them recover compensation to help pay for the final medical expenses of their loved one as well as funeral expenses, among other things.

Regardless of the type of personal injury case, you should not hesitate to get representation from a qualified attorney where you live. If you live in the St. Louis area, a St. Louis, Missouri, personal injury lawyer can be helpful.

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Editor's Note

Ensuring access to high-quality long-term care services is crucial in mitigating personal injury risks and preventing elder abuse. Effective care involves offering the appropriate level of attention, assistance, and medical oversight necessary for individuals to uphold their health and overall well-being. 

For those needing assistance with daily living activities, this involves careful handling to prevent falls, appropriate medication administration, and regular monitoring to catch any potential health issues early.

Long-Term Care Insurance plays a crucial role in securing these quality care services. It provides guaranteed tax-free resources that can be utilized to pay for a variety of care options according to the individual's preferences and needs. This flexibility means care can be received in the setting one is most comfortable in, whether that's at home, an assisted living facility, or a nursing home. Such quality choices would be more limited for many without an LTC policy, as the high cost of long-term care can quickly drain personal savings.

Beyond the financial aspect, Long-Term Care Insurance can help relieve the burden on loved ones. It's a common scenario for family members to become caregivers, which can result in emotional and physical strain. 

With Long-Term Care Insurance, quality professional care is accessible, allowing the family to maintain their roles as loved ones rather than caregivers. This not only preserves relationships but also ensures that care is delivered by trained professionals who can minimize the risk of injury and neglect.

By providing the means to access and choose high-quality care services, Long-Term Care Insurance serves as a valuable tool in protecting you from personal injuries and potential abuse when you are older and need long-term health care. It's a practical measure to safeguard well-being in the later stages of life, giving peace of mind to individuals and their families alike.

Most people get coverage in their 40s or 50s as part of a comprehensive retirement plan.

Maximizing Long-Term Care Insurance Value with a Qualified Specialist

Securing a Long-Term Care Insurance policy can be a complex process. With various policy options and a range of insurance providers, it can be difficult to know where to start. That's where a qualified independent Long-Term Care Insurance specialist can play an invaluable role, ideally one who holds a Certification for Long-Term Care (CLTC) designation. 

Their in-depth knowledge and expertise can guide you in selecting the best coverage that suits your needs and budget. They have the knowledge and experience to provide you with accurate quotes from all the top companies. 

A specialist with a CLTC designation has undergone extensive training, specifically in the area of long-term health care planning. They understand the intricacies of these insurance policies, the underwriting criteria of different companies, and the federal and state regulations that govern these policies. Their specialist knowledge means they can help you design a policy that will meet your specific needs, both in terms of the care you might need and the available budget.

Perhaps most importantly, they will match your age, health, and family history with the insurance company providing you with the best coverage at the lowest cost. Every insurance company has its individual underwriting guidelines, and premiums vary dramatically between companies. 

An independent specialist, representing a multitude of top-rated insurance companies, will offer you a wider range of policy options so you know you have shopped for the one that fits you the best. Rather than being limited to a single company's products, they can explore and compare policies from various providers to find one that offers the best coverage at the most competitive price.

In the realm of Long-Term Care Insurance, one size does not fit all. Every individual's situation is unique, with different health conditions, financial circumstances, and future care needs. By working with a qualified independent Long-Term Care Insurance specialist, you're more likely to find a policy that provides you with the coverage you need at a cost you can afford. The peace of mind that comes with knowing you've made an informed, strategic decision about your future care is worth its weight in gold.

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You've already found your way to LTC NEWS, and we're glad to have you here! Alongside our vast array of articles covering topics like aging, caregiving, health, lifestyle, long-term care, and retirement planning, we also offer an abundance of tools and resources designed to educate and guide you in your long-term care planning journey. 

Here are some of those resources:

Ensuring Quality Care for Aging Parents 

As signs of health decline become apparent in your parents, they deserve nothing less than exceptional care. If they've had the foresight to establish a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, you're in a fortunate position. 

Make it a priority to leverage the benefits of the policy without delay. LTC NEWS, in collaboration with Amada Senior Care — a top-rated in-home care agency with branches nationwide — stands ready to assist you in processing a claim from any LTC Insurance policy at no cost or obligation.

If they don't have an LTC policy, Amada can still help develop a plan of care and provide you with many affordable in-home care options. Learn more now - Find Quality In-Home Care.

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