Up-and-Coming Supplements to Watch Out For

Up-and-coming supplements can offer targeted support for specific health needs, tapping into the latest scientific research and trends. By aligning with individual goals and lifestyles, these innovative supplements may enhance overall well-being, providing a personalized approach to nutrition and health.

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Up-and-Coming Supplements to Watch Out For
4 Min Read August 7th, 2023

The desire to stay healthy and follow the latest wellness trends resonates with many, particularly as ways to boost exercise performance or combat that classic afternoon slump are sought after.

The quest to enhance daily life often leads to an emphasis on supplements. This trend is especially relevant for adults over 50 who may be looking for targeted support for joint health, memory function, or energy levels. Some emerging supplements could be beneficial, with particular attention to benefit health and well-being.

It's crucial to recognize that individual needs vary, and consulting with a healthcare provider is essential to find the right supplements. For adults over 50, considerations around interactions with medications and specific age-related health concerns make professional guidance even more vital.

Make it Plant-Based

The plant-based movement, once a niche preference, is now making significant progress toward becoming part of mainstream eating. Its influence extends beyond food, impacting the beauty, household, and lifestyle industries. Expect to see innovations in health and wellness driven by supplements that are plant-based and plant-powered.

A Focus on the Immune System

Though COVID occurred over three years ago, its impact continues to resonate, affecting many aspects of life. The pandemic, a first-time experience for many, highlighted the importance of a strong immune system and instilled a realization that such an event could recur. This awareness has spurred a focus on immune-boosting properties in supplements.

One example that fits both the plant-based and immune-boosting trends is sea moss. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, sea moss has been suggested to boost the immune system, reflecting the broader movement toward health-conscious choices.

One option, if you wish to try, is Organic Relief which offers sea moss capsules at a very reasonable price. 

Personalized Supplements

The days of simply grabbing a multivitamin off the shelf are over. The trend now leans toward personalization, recognizing that while all humans share common physiology, individual bodies operate differently.

This shift reflects a growing understanding that personalized supplements can provide the body's needs in specific quantities rather than offering a generalized solution that may only suit some. After all, every person is unique, and supplements should align with that individuality.

Consulting with a specialist and undergoing a blood panel will provide insight into specific deficiencies. Additionally, some companies tailor supplements based on lifestyle and goals.

The trend toward personalization has also reached the over-50 market. Some individuals seek specialized blood tests and professional consultations to determine unique nutritional needs and create a customized supplement regimen.

It's essential to note that while these supplements are widely used, it's always best to consult with health providers such as a doctor or registered dietitian. They can assess individual needs and recommend the appropriate supplements, considering any potential interactions with medications or existing health conditions.

Supplements can complement a diet, especially if there are concerns about nutrient gaps. They may offer a valuable addition to support a nutritious, fulfilling, and healthy life.

Over 50? Don't Forget Commonly Suggested Supplements

The trend toward personalization has also reached the over-50 market. Some individuals seek specialized blood tests and professional consultations to determine unique nutritional needs and create a customized supplement regimen.

It's essential to note that while these supplements are widely used, it's always best to consult with healthcare providers such as a doctor or registered dietitian. They can assess individual needs and recommend the appropriate supplements, considering any potential interactions with medications or existing health conditions.

1. Multivitamins for General Health

For adults over 50, general multivitamins tailored to the needs of this age group are popular. These typically include higher levels of certain vitamins such as B12, which can aid in maintaining energy levels, and Vitamin D, which is vital for bone health. The body's ability to absorb some nutrients can decrease with age, and these specialized multivitamins aim to counteract that.

2. Calcium and Vitamin D for Bone Health

Bone density tends to decrease as people age, and this can particularly affect postmenopausal women. Supplements containing calcium and Vitamin D can be essential for maintaining bone strength. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which is necessary for bone formation. Together, they work to protect against conditions like osteoporosis.

3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Heart Health

Omega-3 supplements, derived mainly from fish oils, are commonly used among adults over 50 to support heart health. They may help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and reducing triglyceride levels. Omega-3's anti-inflammatory properties can also support joint health.

4. Probiotics for Digestive Wellness

Digestive issues can become more common as individuals age, and probiotics are often used to support a healthy gut. These supplements include beneficial bacteria that support digestion and help preserve a balanced gut flora, especially when using medications such as antibiotics, which could otherwise upset this equilibrium.

5. Coenzyme Q10 for Cellular Energy

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a compound that helps generate energy in cells. As people age, the natural production of CoQ10 in the body can decrease. Supplements containing CoQ10 may support cellular energy production and general vitality.

6. Glucosamine and Chondroitin for Joint Health 

Glucosamine and chondroitin are compounds found in healthy cartilage. Supplements containing these substances are often used by those over 50 to support joint health and mobility, as they may help alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Aging - Be Ready

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can impact overall health and well-being. Metabolic rates may slow, bone density can decrease, and the immune system might become less robust. Being proactive with health, including proper nutrition, regular exercise, and the thoughtful use of supplements, can play a key role in maintaining vitality and wellness into your later years. 

Supplements can support essential functions such as heart health, bone strength, and digestive balance by addressing specific nutritional needs and potential deficiencies. Combined with other healthy lifestyle choices, this approach can contribute to a longer and more fulfilling life, helping you remain active and engaged as you age.

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About the Author

Maggie Hammond is a proud mama to two little people and has one too many furry friends. She's passionate about alternative medicine, education, the great outdoors, and animal welfare.

LTC News Contributor Maggie Hammond

Maggie Hammond

Contributor since June 8th, 2023

Editor's Note

Planning for your retirement and being proactive is vital. Take this fictitious couple, Susan and James, a couple in their 50s, who realize the importance of preparing for their retirement years. They wanted to ensure that their golden years would be comfortable and worry-free, so they began by crafting a solid retirement plan.

Working with a trusted financial advisor, Susan, and James meticulously planned their retirement funds. They considered their future lifestyle and inflation. Their advisor guided them through investments and savings strategies tailored to their goals. As they finalized their financial blueprint, they felt a reassuring sense of control and looked forward to enjoying retirement without financial stress.

But their preparations didn't stop there. Susan and James knew that proactive health measures were equally vital. They started attending regular medical check-ups and embraced a balanced diet. They joined a local community center, engaging in activities that kept them physically and mentally active. Their dedication to a healthy lifestyle became an integral part of their daily routine, promising them a vibrant and independent life as they aged.

Finally, the couple acknowledged the potential need for long-term health care in the future. Their parents had struggled with the high costs of assisted living and in-home care, and they were determined to be ready. 

As a result, Susan and James spoke with an independent Long-Term Care Insurance specialist to explore Long-Term Care Insurance options. The specialist asked them many detailed questions about their health, finances, and family history and then shopped and compared all the top insurance companies to provide them with accurate quotes from all the companies. Finding the right plan gave them peace of mind, knowing they could access quality care without draining their savings or burdening their children.

Susan and James's comprehensive approach to aging - from financial planning to health management and insurance - became a model for their friends and family. They showed that the retirement years could be golden with foresight and careful planning. Their story serves as a reminder that preparing for aging is a multifaceted process that, when approached with diligence and thoughtfulness, can lead to a fulfilling and dignified later life.

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You've already found your way to LTC NEWS, and we're glad to have you here! LTC NEWS offers a variety of articles covering subjects like aging, caregiving, health, lifestyle, long-term care, and retirement planning; we also provide an abundance of tools and resources designed to educate and guide you in your long-term care planning journey. 

Here are some of those resources:

Ensuring Quality Care for Aging Parents 

As signs of health decline become apparent in your parents, they deserve nothing less than exceptional care. If they've had the foresight to establish a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, you're in a fortunate position. 

Make it a priority to leverage the benefits of the policy without delay. LTC NEWS, in collaboration with Amada Senior Care — a top-rated in-home care agency with branches nationwide — stands ready to assist you in processing a claim from any LTC Insurance policy at no cost or obligation.

If they don't have an LTC policy, Amada can still help develop a plan of care and provide you with many affordable in-home care options. 

Learn more now - Find Quality In-Home Care.

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