Tips to Control Mind and Body Now to Be Healthy Senior Tomorrow

Once you are over 50, your physical and mental health play an important role in your overall lifestyle. You can reduce anxiety by taking advantage of several tips that help make retirement more enjoyable.

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Tips to Control Mind and Body Now to Be Healthy Senior Tomorrow
4 Min Read December 27th, 2020 Updated:July 26th, 2023

Healthy choices are not always easy to make; when you have a busy schedule or a lot of stress, you may not get enough sleep or eat comfort foods that do not have much nutritional value. 

For people over 50, making healthy decisions can significantly affect physical and mental health, so it is essential to consider how your actions will keep you feeling your best. Getting daily exercise, sleeping well, and learning the best ways to relax when stress rears its ugly head are all great ways to take control of your well-being.

Boosting the immune system and fighting exhaustion is essential. Considering IV therapy in LA, NY, or Chicago may be helpful for dehydration, blood transfusions, and nutritional deficiencies. 

The administration of delivering nutrients and hydration directly into the circulation for instantaneous absorption and usage by the body is known as IV therapy, sometimes known as intravenous therapy.

Because IV Therapy bypasses the digestive system and enters the organs directly, it has a 90–100% absorption rate (as opposed to the 20–50% attainable orally), making it the fastest means to deliver nutrients throughout the body.

It is also a good idea to consider your social life, especially if you're retired. It's often difficult for seniors to remain as social as they'd like when they no longer go to work daily, but maintaining friendships and connections can significantly benefit your mood and mental health. 

Social interaction can stave off loneliness and even depression. Often, you can mix social activities with physical ones — such as joining a walking group with some friends — so you'll be able to work on two aspects of your health simultaneously.

Here are a few things to consider regarding your overall well-being.

Get Familiar with Your Insurance Benefits

Many people have found it helpful when it comes to getting healthy is taking advantage of the benefits provided by their health insurance. If you have Medicare, signing up for an Advantage plan can give you access to dental and vision care that you may not get with Parts A or B, and you can also enroll in the SilverSneakers program, which will help you stay active with exercise classes and sports programs geared toward older adults. 

Do some research on your policy, and make the necessary changes during open enrollment. If you are not yet Medicare age, be sure to speak with your parents and see if they can take advantage of this program.

Remember, however, that Medicare and supplements will not pay for most long-term health care expenses. Long-Term Care Insurance would be needed to address the growing costs of in-home care, adult day care, assisted living, memory care, and nursing home facilities. 

Learn How to Breathe

Breathing is something we do without much thought, but did you know that there are exercises you can do that will help you relax and boost your brain health at the same time? Breathing workouts allow you to focus on the moment and calm down, reducing stress and anxiety, and the extra oxygen can help your brain and blood cells stay healthy and vital. 

Look for exercises that will fit your needs; various workouts can be completed outdoors or indoors, sitting or standing.

Get Better Sleep

Many Americans do not realize how much their sleep schedule affects them throughout the day, but everything from our moods to our heart health can take a hit without adequate rest. 

Come up with a sleep schedule and routine that will allow you to rest both your body and mind after a long day. Developing practices like removing caffeine from your diet, performing a relaxing activity just before bed, or creating an atmosphere in your bedroom that will help you unwind will be beneficial. Calming colors, soothing music, and dimmed lights can all play a positive role in the way you rest.

Get Out More

The way you interact with friends and loved ones can have a big effect on your health; studies have shown that seniors who stay social are far less likely to suffer from depression and chronic disease. Not only that, but it's also just more fun! Get involved in your community, head to the library or local coffee shop with a friend, or set a picnic date with your family at a nearby park. The more you can do outside of the house, the better you'll feel.

Your New Business Can lead to Self-Actualization

Besides an enjoyable pastime, starting a hobby business helps us reach our potential, which leads to self-actualization. The concept of self-actualization is one we've all heard of, but many are unfamiliar with it. It's not just about being content - it's about not having any regrets.

That's why older adults are starting their own businesses now more than ever. In fact, in 2018, over 1 in 4 businesses were started by seniors, so age isn't an excuse to start on the path to your dream career. 

If you've been feeling stagnant lately, think back to which parts of your job you most enjoyed and try to implement those along with the other things you love into your new business. 

Even a hobby or pastime can be a fundamental part of your new career. So, think about a plan, research different business structures starting an LLC is one example that many businesses use, and find a way to transform something you love into something that can make you money. For people over 50, making healthy decisions can significantly affect physical and mental health, so it is essential to consider how your actions will keep you feeling your best. While these tips help control your mind and body for a healthy future, securing financial independence as you age through entrepreneurship can help support you financially. How to start an LLC could pave the way for a successful business venture that supports you in your senior years.

Healthy choices do not have to be stressful ones. By thinking about your specific needs and how to meet them, you will be creating routines that you can easily stick with for years while keeping your mental and physical health a priority.

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About the Author

After her mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Lydia Chan found herself struggling to balance the responsibilities of caregiving and her own life. Nowadays, she is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experiences with caregivers and seniors. She is the co-creator of Alzheimer’s Caregiver, a website that aims to provide tips and resources to help caregivers.

LTC News Contributor Lydia Chan

Lydia Chan

Contributor since February 11th, 2020

Editor's Note

Planning for the financial costs and burdens of aging is one of the choices we can make now to reduce stress and anxiety. Once we hit age 50, we start seeing significant changes in our health, body, and mind. These changes increase as we get older. 

Do not depend on adult children to be your future caregivers. The role of a caregiver is physically and emotionally demanding. When no plan is in place, a long-term care event will cause a crisis within the family. 

Generally, experts suggest before your retirement, ideally in your 40s or 50s, when premiums are low, and you have the most available options to choose from. 

Be careful. While Long-Term Care Insurance is affordable, premiums can vary dramatically between companies for the same coverage. Not all insurance agents or financial advisors work with more than one or two companies, nor do they usually understand underwriting, policy features, partnership programs, case management, and claims.

When you have a Long-Term Care Insurance policy, you will have control and independence. The guaranteed tax-free benefits from a qualified Long-Term Care Insurance policy will do several things:

  • protects income and savings from the high costs of professional care

  • gives you access to your choice of quality care, including care at home

  • allows your loved ones the time to be family instead of caregivers

Long-Term Care Insurance is affordable for most families and custom-designed to fit your needs. However, premiums can vary over 100% between insurance companies - How Much Does Long-Term Care Insurance Cost?

Most people get coverage in their 50s when they have the most options due to their younger age and better health.

An LTC Insurance specialist will work with all the top companies and understands underwriting, policy design, and claims - Work With a Specialist.

Tools and Resources Available on LTC NEWS

There are a variety of tools and resources that LTC NEWS offers that can help you in your research:

  • The Ultimate Long-Term Care Insurance Guide - If you like details, you will enjoy this comprehensive guide to LTC Insurance. 
  • Long-Term Care Guides  - LTC NEWS has several other guides that can help you plan or find quality care.
  • Cost of Care Calculator - Choose Your State - You can find the current and future cost of long-term health care services where you live.
  • Frequently Asked Questions - Get the answers to the most often asked questions about long-term health care planning and LTC Insurance.
  • Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim - Does a loved one - like your Mom or Dad - have a Long-Term Care Insurance policy and need to file a claim to get benefits? LTC NEWS will help. If they don't have a policy, but you need help in getting a plan of care and finding caregivers, LTC NEWS can also assist.
  • Reverse Mortgages - Learn about reverse mortgages and ask questions about how they work and if you or a loved one would benefit from one.

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