Unlock the Benefits: Discover the Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Gardening for Older Adults

Gardening offers mental and physical health benefits, such as improved mood, increased physical activity, reduced stress levels, and improved cognitive functioning. It helps reduce social isolation and gives seniors a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

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Unlock the Benefits: Discover the Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Gardening for Older Adults
6 Min Read March 1st, 2023

As you get older, your overall health will start to deteriorate. This is a fact of life; unfortunately, there's no way to prevent it. However, you can slow down the process and find ways to improve your health. For instance, research shows that hobbies and activities help maintain health in older adults. So, instead of becoming increasingly sedentary, why not try something new? After all, now that you're retired, you have much more free time. Of course, there are many activities to choose from, but you should also consider gardening. If you're unsure about this, just look at some of the mental and physical health benefits of gardening for older adults.

Here are seven benefits of gardening for older adults:

  1. One of the best mental and physical health benefits of gardening for older adults is that it gives you a sense of purpose

Seniors may lack a sense of purpose due to a variety of factors. As you age, you may experience physical and mental health issues that can limit your ability to engage in activities that give you a sense of purpose. Additionally, retirement can be a difficult transition for some people. You no longer have the same job or career that gave you a sense of purpose and identity. 

Furthermore, some people may struggle to find new hobbies or activities that give them a sense of purpose later in life. Let's face it, at this point in anyone's life, the kids are all grown up and no longer need you to take care of them. All this change can eventually lead to depression. 

However, gardening can help prevent this from happening. It is a very meaningful activity that stimulates your mind and creativity. Moreover, since it involves a lot of care and responsibility, it will also increase your self-esteem. 

  1. It promotes movement

Exercising is essential for your physical and mental health. And this applies no matter your age. But do you need a gym to stay fit after 50? The answer is no. As you age, high-impact workouts can become dangerous for your health. Therefore, you should focus on low-impact physical activities. For example, you can take regular walks, dance classes, do yoga, swim, or find a hobby such as gardening.

Many people think gardening is a piece of cake, but it involves a lot of hard work. Digging, lifting, pulling, and pruning will strengthen your muscles and increase your flexibility. Not to mention that you'll burn a lot of calories in the process, so you'll be able to maintain a healthy weight. Furthermore, exercising also reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Gardening is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air, which are essential for physical and mental health. 

For those with limited mobility or other physical limitations, raised beds or container gardens can be used to make gardening easier. Gardening can also be adapted to suit the individual's needs and abilities, so if you or a loved one has health issues, gardening can be adapted and enjoyed no matter the specific situation.

  1. It strengthens your bones

As you probably know by now, osteoporosis is a common health concern for seniors. Therefore, increasing and maintaining bone strength should be a top priority. And gardening can help with this as well. 

Spending time outside in the sunlight will give you a good dose of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, a key component of strong bones. Additionally, physical activity outdoors can help strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

  1. It promotes healthy eating

One of the best mental and physical health benefits of gardening for older adults is that it promotes healthy eating. Once again, this is recommended for any age. But eating right will help you achieve a better quality of life as you age. Even if you no longer need as much food as before, it still needs to provide you with the necessary nutrients.This will improve your overall health and even reduce chronic disease risk.

Gardening offers you the possibility to grow and eat healthy natural produce. It also helps you save money by reducing your trips to the grocery store. Your garden can include everything from fruits, vegetables, and herbs to chickens.

  1. It helps reduce stress

Stress has a very negative impact on your mind and body. Unfortunately, we live very stressful lives, and this doesn't stop once you retire. For instance, many seniors become anxious or feel helpless once they depend on others. All this stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and even high blood pressure.

Gardening can reduce stress and anxiety and increases self-esteem. Additionally, gardening can provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose as well as a connection to nature, enhancing mood and reducing stress and anxiety. 

Studies show that gardening can relieve stress by lowering cortisol levels. This is why many medical facilities use gardening as a form of therapy. For example, substance use disorders are prevalent in military veterans. More precisely, veterans are at a high risk because of stress and PTSD. But experts say that gardening and other hobbies can help with recovery because they relax you. Moreover, they also keep your mind and body focused on something other than your negative thoughts and feelings.

  1. It improves your mood

Gardening can be an excellent way for older adults to improve their mood. One of the best things about gardening is it increases your serotonin levels. This chemical in your brain is very important because it's one of the things that makes you feel happy, calm, and at peace. 

Gardening also encourages creativity, allowing gardeners to design and create their own landscapes. The simple act of growing a living organism will make you feel more hopeful and will improve your mood. This is why gardening is often used in treating depression and other mental illnesses.

Additionally, gardening can help build a sense of community. Finally, gardening provides a purposeful activity that gives an individual a sense of accomplishment and pride when watching their garden grow.

  1. It offers you the chance to make personal connections

Older adults often feel lonely. And it's no wonder since they have an empty nest and many of their old friends are gone. But gardening can offer you the chance to make new personal connections. Sharing plants and gardening tips with neighbors can be a great way for older adults to socialize with others. 

One thing you can do is join a community garden. These places help you meet new like-minded people and socialize. As a result, you'll no longer feel down and isolated. Moreover, this enables you to teach others all you know about gardening and also learn new things yourself. This will consolidate your sense of purpose and increase your self-esteem.

Stay Active and Avoid Isolation

As you get older, you should do everything in your power to stay active and not isolate yourself from the rest of the world. Yes, your health will gradually deteriorate. But you can slow down this process if you take action. So, instead of feeling sorry for yourself, look for ways to improve your health and the quality of your life. 

Consider all the mental and physical health benefits of gardening for older adults. And why stop there? Gardening is one of many pleasant activities older adults can take advantage of to remain active and social.

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About the Author

Evelyn G. Penland has been working as a content writer for four years. She wishes to help people improve their lifestyles so they can live long and happy lives. In her downtime, she enjoys going hiking with friends.

LTC News Contributor Evelyn G. Penland

Evelyn G. Penland

Contributor since March 1st, 2023

Editor's Note

You're hopefully thinking about retirement and making appropriate plans. The goal is to enjoy your current lifestyle in your retirement. You will have the time to enjoy life after you leave the workforce -- or at least reduce the level of work you are doing now.

You can contribute money in your 401(k) and other retirement accounts, but have you considered how to safeguard those assets since that money will be producing income throughout retirement?

The biggest involuntary risk you face is long-term health care costs. Those costs are going up yearly, and the consequences will affect your family and finances.

You certainly don't want to make your adult children become caregivers, nor can they juggle being a caregiver with their career and family responsibilities. For many American families, LTC Insurance is the solution.

An LTC policy provides peace of mind knowing you have a plan for quality care without adversely affecting your income and assets or burdening your family. The money from the policy will pay for your plan for quality care, even care in your home. You have the quality care you deserve, and your loved ones will have the time to be by family instead of caregivers.

LTC Specialists Ready to Help

When shopping for coverage, be sure to seek the help of a qualified 

Long-Term Care Insurance specialist. A specialist can be highly beneficial when shopping for Long-Term Care Insurance. Unlike general insurance agents or financial advisors, specialists are experts. They can provide insight into underwriting, available options, potential coverage amounts, and which companies best fit your age, health, and family history. 

An LTC Insurance specialist will also have access to a wide range of insurance companies instead of one or two. They can help identify the best company so you can save on Long-Term Care Insurance premiums. Ultimately, having a Long-Term Care Insurance specialist by your side will give you peace of mind knowing you have educated yourself properly and shopped all the top insurance companies before deciding which one is right for you. The specialist will provide accurate quotes from the top companies so you can choose the best option.

LTC NEWS Offers Tools and Resources to Help Your Research

There are a variety of tools and resources that LTC NEWS offers that can help you in your research:

  • The Ultimate Long-Term Care Insurance Guide - If you like details, you will enjoy this comprehensive guide to LTC Insurance. 

  • Long-Term Care Guides - LTC NEWS has several other guides that can help you plan or find quality care.

  • Cost of Care Calculator - Choose Your State - You can find the current and future cost of long-term health care services where you live.

  • Frequently Asked Questions - Get the answers to the most often asked questions about long-term health care planning and LTC Insurance.

  • Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim - Does a loved one - like your Mom or Dad - have a Long-Term Care Insurance policy and need to file a claim to get benefits? LTC NEWS will help. If they don't have a policy, but you need help in getting a plan of care and finding caregivers, LTC NEWS can also assist.

  • Reverse Mortgages - Learn about reverse mortgages and ask questions about how they work and if you or a loved one would benefit from one.

When Mom or Dad Need Care, Be Sure They Get Quality Care

Are you looking for the best possible care for your parent or parents? Then LTC NEWS is here to help. We understand that finding quality long-term health care can be intimidating and overwhelming - which is why we created comprehensive guides to give you the tools and resources to make a well-informed decision.

Our guides provide detailed information on locating quality caregivers and long-term care facilities and recommendations for creating an effective care plan. We also offer resources to help you understand the different types of long-term care available and how to pay for those services.

With our assistance, you can rest assured that your parent or parents will receive high-quality, personalized care. We make it our mission to provide you with all the information and resources necessary so that you can make the best decisions regarding your parent's health and well-being.

With LTC NEWS, your search for quality care will be easier and less stressful.

If your parents have Long-Term Care Insurance be sure to use their benefits. If they own a policy, consider them fortunate and be sure they use them without delay. Families sometimes delay using benefits from an LTC policy, believing they can save the benefits for a rainy day. It is not a good idea to put off using available Long-Term Care Insurance benefits.

Let LTC NEWS help you file a claim:

Filing a Long-Term Care Insurance Claim

These four guides can be beneficial as you try to find appropriate long-term care services for a loved one:

Today's Reverse Mortgage - A Solution for Some Seniors

Reverse mortgages are an excellent way for some seniors to stay in their homes and pay for home care. The fact is, for some people, their biggest investment is their home. Often, they have little other significant savings.

A reverse mortgage allows seniors to borrow against their home's equity, providing them with a lump sum or monthly payments that can be used to cover the costs of home care. Plus, their monthly mortgage payments disappear.

This type of loan is designed with seniors in mind. It doesn't require any repayment until the homeowner leaves or sells the property. This means that seniors can access the funds they need without worrying about making payments on a loan, giving them more financial security while they age in place.

Money from a reverse mortgage can also be used to purchase Long-Term Care Insurance, which can provide comprehensive long-term health care benefits, assuming they have fairly good health.

Asking an expert with your questions will help you learn more. Mike Banner, a columnist for LTC NEWS and the host of the television program "62 Who Knew," will respond to your inquiries about long-term care, reverse mortgages, aging, and health.

- Just "Ask Mike." - Reverse Mortgages | LTC News.

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