Germany: The New Epicenter for Cutting-Edge Colon Cancer Treatment

With more people diagnosed with colon cancer worldwide, Germany leads in advanced colon cancer treatments. Many globally seek doctors and facilities in Germany for their expertise for optimal outcomes.

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Germany: The New Epicenter for Cutting-Edge Colon Cancer Treatment
6 Min Read August 29th, 2023

With a menacing grip, colon cancer has claimed its spot as the world's third most common cancer adversary. In 2020, a staggering 1.9 million people braced for the battle against colon cancer. And in the heart of Europe, Germany stands out, grappling with rates that surpass the global norm — a concerning 45.3 new diagnoses for every 100,000 people.

Germany has emerged as a sought-after destination for colon cancer treatment, attracting patients from around the globe. The country's cutting-edge medical facilities, renowned oncologists, and pioneering research have made it a beacon for those seeking the best in cancer care. Many individuals, in pursuit of advanced therapies and comprehensive care plans, find solace in Germany's world-class healthcare system.

Colon cancer is often preventable through screening, and it is highly treatable if it is found early. However, colon cancer is often found at later stages and can go unnoticed due to the slow tumor development. Many patients seek help in Germany, where therapy has proven effective at any stage. German oncologists have extensive experience in treating this cancer and have achieved excellent results, with early diagnosis leading to complete cures in 8 out of 10 patients.

There are various treatment options available in German hospitals and top-rated medical centers, and the average costs of medical procedures can be attractive for those seeking quality treatment.

Different Types of Colon Cancer Treatment in Germany

In German hospitals, the treatment for colon cancer is personalized and may involve various methods. So, how it is typically treated in Germany:

  • Surgery. To combat colon cancer, doctors may perform either abdominal or laparoscopic surgery, with a small optical system and instruments inserted through tiny incisions in the abdomen. Robotic DaVinci surgery can provide additional options for surgeons to remove hard-to-reach tumors.
  • Radiofrequency ablationA medical procedure involves inserting an electrode into cancerous tissue, guided by ultrasound or CT scans. It causes a temperature rise, ultimately leading to the death of cancerous cells. 
  • HIPEC. After tumor removal, the abdominal cavity is washed with a hot solution of a chemo drug. Due to the high temperatures, even individual cancer cells are exposed to the drug. Topical use causes fewer side effects and reduces the risk of complications.
  • Stenting. A blocked intestine is a sign of an advancing illness, but German medicine has a quick solution. A unique device is placed in the obstructed part of the intestine to widen the passage for fecal matter. It allows the patient to undergo preliminary chemotherapy before surgery.
  • Radiotherapy. Patients in Germany have multiple options to destroy cancer, including intraoperative irradiation, brachytherapy, and proton therapy.

If colon cancer spreads to other organs, several treatment options are available. Surgery, radiation, targeted, and chemotherapy can be used. Immunotherapy and biotherapy stimulate the immune system to fight cancer. An effective technique is T-helpers technology, which involves injecting the patient with antigens from their tumor to trigger the production of specific T-lymphocytes (killer cells).

Costs of Colon Cancer Treatment by Stage in Germany

The price for inpatient colon cancer treatment in Germany is formed according to the G-DRG (German Diagnosis Related Groups) system based on tariffs approved by the Ministry of Health of the country for each diagnosis. The price includes diagnostics, medical procedures, and hospitalization. 

The treatment for colon cancer can differ significantly, and the cost can vary depending on the individual patient and the cancer stage. Other factors that may impact the final cost of treatment include the patient's overall health, any other medical conditions they may have, and the chosen treatment plan. Typically, it involves a combination of various procedures such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and biotherapy.

Surgery and chemotherapy have the highest costs, while minimally invasive surgery and radiotherapy are much more affordable. The price also varies depending on the clinic's category and the region in Germany.

At the 1st stage, without metastases, minimally invasive procedures such as endoscopic or laparoscopic surgery are performed. 

Methods like focused ultrasound, cryodestruction, radiosurgery, and photodynamic removal may also be utilized. Radiofrequency ablation destroys cancer cells at high temperatures to remove focal metastases.

For informational purposes, we will give approximate prices for some diagnostic and therapeutic procedures: 

  • Biopsy - from $1.200.
  • PET-CT - $2,700.
  • HIPEC - $35,300.
  • CyberKnife - from $24,000
  • Gamma Knife - from $14,000
  • Rectal resection - $26,000
  • Robot-assisted surgery - from $38,000
  • Dendritic cancer vaccines - from $29,000

Typically, the cost of colon cancer treatment in Israel is comparable to or slightly higher than that of similar treatments, and it is lower than the prices of a corresponding therapy in the United States.

To find out exactly how much it will cost to treat a particular patient's cancer, you must fill out a contact form, send us medical documents, and consult a doctor specializing in colon cancer. Afterward, you will receive treatment options from various German hospitals tailored to your needs and medical indications. You can choose the treatment program that best suits your requirements, and our medical coordinator will provide you with all the necessary details for the next steps.

Health Care Quality and Patient Outcomes

Traditionally, the German health care system is considered one of the best worldwide. According to the German State Statistics Office, every 10th euro spent is used on health care.

Based on statistics, Germany has one of the highest cancer cure rates globally, comparable to the success rates of cancer treatment in Israel and the U.S.

German doctors are highly educated, skilled, and precise in their work. Additionally, German clinics are equipped with the latest technology and regularly update their equipment. Germany is also committed to research and collaborates with top cancer centers worldwide. Clinical trials are also conducted to introduce innovations into everyday practice. As a result, patients of German cancer clinics have access to the most advanced and progressive treatments available in modern medicine.

Impact of German Health Care System on Colon Cancer Therapy

In Germany, various experimental techniques already demonstrated their effectiveness have been utilized in colon cancer treatment. These include photodynamic and gene therapy, laser therapy, biotherapy, and more.

Reconstructive operations are widely used in modern microsurgery. It is no secret that cancer diagnosed late often requires radical surgery, which can be crippling. It is one of the reasons why many patients in less medically developed countries postpone a visit to an oncologist until the last, thereby, on the contrary, increasing the chance of such an operation. 

In Germany, this problem has been solved. In cases where traumatic surgery cannot be avoided, high-quality reconstruction can prevent disability by nearly 100%.

Much attention is paid to the patient's psychological well-being, comfort, and treatment tolerability. Symptomatic therapy in parallel with the primary one at each stage makes the patient's condition acceptable by eliminating side effects of chemo and radiotherapy (for example, nausea and vomiting), pain, sleep disorders, etc.

Best Hospitals to Treat Colon Cancer in Germany

The best medical centers in Germany that treat colon cancer:

The treatment success depends on the selection of the clinic and the oncologist. During the search process, it is essential to consider factors like hospital accreditation, the doctor's experience, and their treatment methods. If you're looking for the best and most sought-after clinic for treating colon cancer but don't want to go through piles of information, you can seek our assistance.

The AiroMedical platform offers a complimentary clinic pick-up service and arranges a colon cancer treatment trip to Germany. Our experienced doctors will select the best hospital based on reliable information and daily monitoring of their activities. You can trust us to find a suitable medical center for you.


  1. Volvak N. Treatment in Germany (advantages and benefits). Updated December 05, 2022.
  2. Volvak N. Intestinal cancer guide. AiroMedical. Updated January 14, 2023. 

Norris J. New therapy may be on the horizon for metastatic colorectal cancer. MedicalNewsToday. Published June 21, 2023.

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About the Author

Natalia is a technical and medical writer for AiroMedical. She has over 25 years of experience in medical statistics and writing.

LTC News Contributor Natalia Volvak

Natalia Volvak

Contributor since August 29th, 2023

Editor's Note

Colon cancer, one of the most commonly diagnosed malignancies worldwide, presents multifaceted challenges beyond immediate medical concerns. While medical interventions, from diagnosis to treatment, are crucial, there's another side to the story that often remains in the shadows: the increased need for long-term care post-treatment.

As with many cancers, the after-effects of colon cancer can be debilitating. Patients might grapple with physical complications, such as intestinal problems, weight loss, or fatigue. Then there are the emotional and psychological tolls, with patients often reporting anxiety, depression, or even post-traumatic stress in the aftermath of their treatments.

The necessity for specialized long-term care emerges when we consider these lingering issues. This care isn't just about medical attention; it's about holistic support. The needs are varied and continuous, whether it's assistance with daily tasks, specialized diets, or emotional counseling.

Incorporating long-term care planning in the early stages of a colon cancer diagnosis can be invaluable. Not only does it provide a safety net for the patient, but it also relieves family members of potential caregiving burdens, which can be both physically and emotionally draining.

As the prevalence of colon cancer grows, so too does the demand for long-term care services. It's a reminder that our fight against cancer extends beyond the confines of a hospital and necessitates a comprehensive approach that prioritizes both immediate medical needs and the long-term well-being of survivors.

As more people survive colon cancer, these individuals will also face longevity issues that come with aging. The time to prepare is ideally before a health event, like colon cancer, occurs.

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Most people get coverage in their 40s or 50s when their good health and age lead to much lower premiums.

Navigating Long-Term Care Insurance with Expert Guidance

While custom-designed, Long-Term Care (LTC) Insurance often sees wide variations in premiums across insurance companies. It's crucial to note that every insurer must receive approval from the state's insurance department regarding their products and pricing before making them available to the public. 

The complexities associated with LTC Insurance make it imperative to seek specialized guidance. A select number of LTC Insurance experts genuinely understand the nuances of underwriting, policy design, pricing structures, claims, partnership programs, and other vital insurance components. When on the lookout for an LTC Insurance specialist, here are some key indicators of expertise:

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  • Their knowledge includes the underwriting rules of major insurers, which vary between insurance companies, enabling them to provide accurate quotes based on your age, health, family history, and more.
  • Many also bring invaluable firsthand experience in helping families during the claim process, ensuring quality care during trying times.

RELATED: What Is A Long-Term Care Insurance Specialist? How Can They Help You?

In essence, while LTC Insurance can be complicated, with the right expert by your side, you can navigate the landscape confidently and secure the best plan for your future needs.

An LTC Insurance specialist will provide accurate quotes from the top insurance companies so you can make the right decision. Plus, the specialist will make benefit recommendations appropriate for you. 

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